Neighbor threatening to "take out my roosters"

I am in a similar situation to you in that I am a single woman living in the country (and I was not born and bred here). I have had some minor neighbor issues over the years, but nothing as confrontational as yours. One thing I have learned though, is people in the country respect property. My neighbors like to come over on my land--one with a fence and another with a lawn mower but no trees have been enclosed or cut. They see my chickens as livestock and a business and would not interfere with them. Your neighbor has openly expressed an intent to steal from you. Treat him as a thief and call the sheriff.
Our neighbor is JUST like yours... and we put up a 6 foot high ceder fence to block him from being able to glare at us. LOL And the funniest part... hes STILL going around trying to drum up sympathy with the neighbors. Whineing about how we called the sheriff on him. But what he doesn't tell them?? In 2 months.. he had called animal control.... cruelty division no less, code enforcement, AND the county nuisance department. Seriously?? yeah... hes EXACTLY like your neighbor... very much obsessed with his mini golf course.... *sigh*

City people just need to stay int he city. Our fence... runs the length of over 2 acres. But... was SO worth it ;) Even at the cost...
How long have you had this neighbor? Your farm is beautiful - looks like its been that way for a:/ while. If he just moved in, then he knew your property was a farm. If you purchased your farm and moved in next to him, then, if you ever talk to him again, I would politely inform him that he had the opportunity to buy the property but didn't.

If he is older, he may have had a stroke or some other disease that could be causing his anger - especially if you have been neighbors for a while and only just started having problems with him.
I would build a fence just long enough to block his view from his front door. On the side facing him paint different colored polka dots. Tell him you will remove one board for each time he is nice to you. Maybe you can train him to be nice by repeating this behavior. Keep the pieces though, you might need to put it back up.
I have thought about some guinea hens for tick control. But dont really want to have to get the brooder going again right now. I keep an eye on craigslist for adult birds, but those seem to be few and far between.

It's a myth. Guineas (nor any other bird I've studied/watched and tested with) do *NOT* eat ticks. As far as I can tell, *nothing* eats ticks. Go on and test it yourself. Get some ticks off a friends dog and drop 'em in front of a guinea, chicken, peacock, whatever...every one of those birds will either walk away or sit there and look at you dumbly wondering what it is you want them to do. When I did this exact experiment, numerous times during a couple of years, with the exact same results - the ticks being *not* eaten - I finally was able to get rid of those useless, noisy guineas and have been at peace ever since. Besides, guineas are *very* aggressive towards chickens and will constantly chase them from eating areas, dusting areas, etc.

A good guinea, is either a dead one or one that stays in New Guinea (or wherever the darned things are from)!
Yeah, they sure do eat ticks, in my own experience. They prefer to patrol and find them on their own, I'm sure.
They are aggressive toward chickens, though, so that is why I rehomed mine, however, I do plan to have them again, specifically because when I did, tick numbers around the house went way down. I live in the woods. If I had 20 acres and other livestock like Kathryn, I'd definitely not be without them if I could house them away from the chicken coop.

They are most definitely LOUD! You get used to it, though. The neighbor may not, LOL.
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I would build a fence just long enough to block his view from his front door. On the side facing him paint different colored polka dots. Tell him you will remove one board for each time he is nice to you. Maybe you can train him to be nice by repeating this behavior. Keep the pieces though, you might need to put it back up.
What a brilliant idea!!! I love it.
I would build a fence just long enough to block his view from his front door. On the side facing him paint different colored polka dots. Tell him you will remove one board for each time he is nice to you. Maybe you can train him to be nice by repeating this behavior. Keep the pieces though, you might need to put it back up.
I would build a fence just long enough to block his view from his front door. On the side facing him paint different colored polka dots. Tell him you will remove one board for each time he is nice to you. Maybe you can train him to be nice by repeating this behavior. Keep the pieces though, you might need to put it back up.
LOVE!! Its like teaching a child! On the us side my broom corn is up now (only about 4 inches) and it should get to be about 10 feet tall! I cant wait!!

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