Neighbor threatening to "take out my roosters"

Make sure your garden is fenced, your animals are locked up when you're gone, put up a game cam, and keep pepper-spray handy! He sounds like a not very nice man. Ignore him until he gets too close for comfort, then bring in the law. Good luck!
Some of the advice you've gotten is not going to help your situation. Carrying a shotgun would be among the worst & it could end up with you being the one facing legal problems. Anything you do that's harassing in nature will only exacerbate the situation. Document his behavior & consult with local law enforcement. I'm not familiar with the structure of your state's legal system but since you're rural I assume there's a Sherrif's Department. I'd suggest you start with them

Yes, please go the route of getting law enforcement aware of this man's threats! They may slough it off, but insist on a report. If it's like here, you may have to insist on your right to file a report.
1. Contact law enforcement
2. When he threatens you again, tell him that you contacted law enforcement.
3. Ignore him.
4. Enjoy your wonderful property, animals and civil neighbors.
5. Put a brochure in his mail box for one of those sterile, gated communites in suburbia with the super-restrictive covenants.
I'm all for the Second Amendment. Afterall, they still shoot horse theives right? Chicken killers should be no different. Just kidding, well sort of. Actually I would ignore him. I personally could care less what my neighbors think. I am sure you have enough friends and don't need him as one. But the second he came on my property, its on! As for his cats, an Air-soft gun will get them moving without injuring them. Love them!
I would NOT offer him ANY farm food! He may say it made him sick and file a lawsuit and shut down your farm! I would tell him in a very matter of fact way that unfortunatly for HIM, HE has moved to the country and if he doesn't like the animals around he should move back to the city. I would tell him it is YOUR property and you will do as you please. Inform him he is not welcome on your property for ANY reason and that you will press criminal trespassing charges if he comes on your property. Put up several no trespassing signs. NEVER call your animals "PETS" THEY ARE LIVESTOCK!!!!!!!!! Laws are different for livestock. You make all or some of your living from your farm and animals. Don't cower in the corner and don't be overly matter of fact and straight to the point and document everything. I would also get the sheriff involved at some point. I would also let him know that his cats visit your property and that he needs to keep them on his property as they could kill some of your chickens which is your livestock and that could REALLY cause problems for him! Just my 2 cents... BTW we have some problem neighbors so we planted Thuja Arborviteas evergreen trees they have grown probabaly 3 feet in one year and that was their first year, so this year I expect even more growth. However I would not recommend putting them right by your garden as they will put roots into your garden and take the water and etc. from your garden plants. But if you have room I think I would put up a partial fence to block his view and harassment for now and plant a whole row of trees between your property lines if possible. Make sure you leave room for the trees to grow to be fully on your property or he can cut whatever growth that crosses onto his property and destroy your beautiful trees. Just my 2 cents.....
I think its time to get a flock of peafowl or guineas.
I really hope this this is the right section.

Ok so here is the deal. I live on 20 acres and have pretty much no restrictions on what I can do with the land as far as livestock and such.

I have recently moved my garden to the southern portion of the property along the driveway. Due to the soil being better and it not frosting so Early in the season. As soon as I started planting the neighbor next to that property line came over to chat. I have to say that I have always gotten along with all the surrounding neighbors, and had very positive experiences with this guy in the past.

The first thing out of his mouth is "don't be surprised if your roosters go missing or you find them dead"
then proceeded to ask why I moved my garden over to this property line, and said that I should move it back. This is after he watched me struggle with the rototiller for days to till under a 16x200 plot (I sell produce at a farmers market and other places)

He also went on to tell me how much my horses annoyed him and that my field looked like crap, and he moved to the country for peace and quiet "not this noise crap" This is the man that moved out here from the city built a cookie cutter house and spends hours a day mowing his field so it all looks like a golf course, the only animals they have are two cats that come over and pee on everything around my house and especially my flower beds. I have never said anything and didn't plan to.

So here is what i said: Well, actually I am planning on butchering those two roosters and I have 40 chicks in the garage and will be KEEPING a couple roosters around for flock protection and fertilizing eggs. I completely ignored the garden comment. And said that the horses are not going anywhere. And.... guess what?? I am getting 6 ewes delivered next week. HA

So since then I have been out in the garden everyday working by bum off. Every day he comes out in his yard hands on hips staring at me and shaking his head. I am thinking about offering him a dozen eggs a week as a peace offering. Maybe that would help? A lot of the surrounding neighbors buy eggs from me. I am not good with confrontation, I immediately start shaking and want to cry when someone is angry with me or yelling at me. I want to get along with the people around me. I also think he was trying to intimidate me because I am a 25 year old single woman. Maybe he thought that he could tell me what to do because he is an older gentleman (50-60ish)

What do you guys think that I should do??

Its your may do as you wish. As long as, you are not violating any laws or HMO agreements...

Your neighbor seems to be rather presumptive and arrogant.

Enjoy your land and set up a Trailcam...just incase he comes onto your land and carries out his threats.
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You are far and away too nice, I would have told him if I wanted to talk to fr......... jerks I would move to the city, then when he stared at me I'd flip him off. Too bad, there is always an idiot out there girlfriend, maybe you could take this opportunity to think up a new and creative way to deal....short of breaking the law I mean....he started it didn't he?
As in any feud I try to leave a back door open so the op can exit with a little grace, if he harmed one of my critters though's on. Stand your ground, in the country your eyeballs are supposed to stop at your own property line, obviously he never learned this. Creep.
Without him seeing you, run a hot wire across your fence..if you have one lol. Crank that bad boy up and let the good times roll! One attempt to set foot on your property and he'll probably pee himself!

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