Neighbor's bird's on my property exposed to eye conjunctivitis and or possibly avian flu.. what do I do?

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Outraged neighbor

In the Brooder
May 22, 2024
Okay I have a neighbor who neglects his flock of chickens in my opinion and they stray to my back porch bird feeder a lot. Recently I noticed a house finch with a horrible looking eye. It appears to be a severe case of yet conjunctivitis in the house finch, therefore my neighbor's flock of chickens might very well either have the disease or have given my birds the disease... either way I am uncomfortable with communicating to my neighbors as I think it is wrong for them to let their flock of chickens stray (as well as their dog onto my property. I have a video of the sick bird and another video of me shooing neighbors chickens away. I have contacted animal control. What else should I do. I feel threatened by the latest avian flu outbreaks and I have a right to to be scared of their birds. I wear a mask to protect myself so I am fine but what are my responsibilities?
Keep in mind their stray flock of chickens were definitely exposed to house finch eye conjunctivitis on my back porch and there is definitely an avian flu outbreak going on in this country and other countries. I believe my neighbor's should be informed for the safety of their own family and children but I feel uncomfortable making contact with these neighbors myself.
Argh! People like that are hard to deal with. I think it's important to contact your neighbor. Maybe try reaching out to authorities. They might euthanize the birds though.
Yes I will dismantle my bird feeder. But why should I build a fence as I have time constraints and lack of resources and they aren't my chickens trespassing?
Definitely talk to the person about their chickens and dogs getting on your property. Tell them the situation and about what they were exposed to.

You should also put something up to keep those chickens away from your property like a fence or some sort of netting. Or you could give the neighbors a warning about the chickens on your property and that if they don't keep them off of the property then further action will be taken, like crating them up and having animal control take them if they are really being neglected.

Also, if you have chickens, I feel it is best to keep any bird feeders clear away from your poultry. It will attract birds carrying avian diseases near your chickens and contaminate everything.
Should my neighbors with their straying chickens (and dog) be the one's to build a fence? I have to not have a fence so I can receive my shipments from ups and I have trash men as well I can't fence out.
I'm taking down my bird feeder but again this is not my responsibility to design a fence for their birds. Also I don't want any contact with my neighbors as I have had lots of trouble with their stray animals in the past.
Should my neighbors with their straying chickens (and dog) be the one's to build a fence? I have to not have a fence so I can receive my shipments from ups and I have trash men as well I can't fence out.
They should definitely build a coop and run for their chickens if they are not willing to build a fence. The chickens should not be able to free range all over other peoples properties.
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