Neighbor's chickens are freezing to's really bothering me..

LOL I would:

1) cull of the bird and just not say a word about it.... and if asked...."I haven't seen him in days... " you wouldn't be lying- technically

2) talk to the wife and ask her if you can cull the rooster without saying a word to the daughter. Maybe explain to her that the bird has frostbite and is in pain, and that if a predator gets to it, it would suffer greatly.... if you cull it, it wouldn't suffer as much. Maybe the trick is keeping it from the daughter. And if the daughter asks, just respond with the answer to #1.....
I think the 10 year old "Vegetarian" needs 30 whacks with a clue-bat. Her parents are giving in to her incomplete understanding of the universe. And nobody is taking responsibility for the chickens.

She's come to some kind of "meat is murder" notion without adding the "compassion for all living beings" part. In some countries, vegetarian diet is an economic necessity. In the U.S. it's an economic luxury, and an "ism."

If the chickens are suffering, relieve their suffering. If that requires feeding and housing, fine. If it requires dicing an onion and nuking some spuds, fine.
We put up a temporary shelter on our porch, he is using it. I don't get it, I won't say I understand my neighbor's logic but I also don't want to judge them because it is not like they are all bad. They are very nice in other ways. This annoys me but I guess we just think totally different about things then they do.
I heard a distant reply crow when ole' meanie crowed today, I was soooo happy. THat made me feel so relieved. It was a far away crow too, don't know where the heck he got to.
People like this make me sick to my stomach! If I were you (I get nuts when it comes to animal cruelty) I would catch all of those chickens and rehome them or turn them in anonomously to a shelter. Those people have no right owning an animal and treating it that way. If I lived closer to you I'd go out on my own rescue mission.

maybe ole meanie will become ole grateful and not try to eat you every time he sees you x(...

and I too am hopeful for the "replier" ... hopefully he was with some of the hens in hiding! (keeping fingers crossed).
Honeydoll- Are there others besides the two roosters?

I'm glad to hear the Meanie has shelter. He is lucky that he is your neighbor and not someone else's. So are the human's who allow their animals to terrorize you. Whatever you decide to do with Meanie, he is much better off now.

Ozzie, the little white banty rooster, is still out tonight.I almost caught him but he is faster than I am; apparently smarter, too. He was near our porch, shivering...doesn't have any frostbite yet but it is going to be another 10 degree night with high winds and maybe another 3 inches of snow. I normally love living in the mountains but not tonight.

Does anyone have more chicken catching tricks?
If you have a dog crate that you can put in the sheltered area with food way in the back--maybe with a very small trail of food leading to a fuller dish (BTW, corn helps them stay warm at night). Keep an eye on it so that you can tell when he has entered the crate and quickly close the door.
Shim's mom :

Does anyone have more chicken catching tricks?

First, nighttime when they get all sleepy is much easier. If you can catch them sleeping, you can simply grab them. When I have to catch a guinea hen, I use a pool net. It isn't ideal, but it's better than chasing a bird all over creation.

You can also make a crook with a coat hanger and catch a foot.​

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