neighbors dog has ate two of our chickens


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 6, 2008
We had two chickens come up missing - one meat bird that was given to us - so no big deal when it came up missing - we just wasn't sure what got it - because there was no sign of anything. that was a couple weeks ago. Then again this weekend - another one came up missing - this time one of our hens - a nice one. Just about to start laying. Again no sign of anything. We figured a fox or a coyote - but unusual because it happened during the day. Well - our neighbor pulled into the drive yesterday and broke the news that it his dog that got our chicken - so I assume he got the first one. I was cool about it - as this neighbor has helped us last winter by keeping our driveway plowed. Questions: Now that the dog knows there is living food to kill - if he gets loose again - I know he'll be back. They are free range chickens since we got them - I will now confine them when we are not home - how will they (the chickens) react to now being in a caged area? Also - how would you handle the neighbors as to their dog? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.
So sad....but you are so lucky your neighbor admitted it was his dog that got your chicken. My neighbors tried to deny their dog got my potbelly pig and it was on their porch(the pig)!!!! Since your neighbor was upfront about the dog gettng the chicken you may be able to talk with them about future attacks. But as for your chickies~they should adjust to being caged after some time. It won't be their favorite thing to do but it has to be for their safety.
The neighbor needs to keep his dog on his own property.

Something that always burns me when other people know their pet has killed a chicken is they feel it is just a chicken and easily replaced. They fail to realize you fed it and kept it diseas free for 6 months just to get that first egg, etc.

Even worse is when they fail to realize you might have spent a lot of time developing a certain line of what ever breed you might be focusing on, after all, it's just a chicken.

I suffered massive property damage to flash flooing back in August. People from all over would come by my property as if it were a public park to 'have a look'. Some of them were rude enough to come when they knew I was at work. I came home one afternoon to horse prints up and down my driveway and a dead araucana pullet.

This was a bird I imported, paid to have shipped from a distant state. My dog lives with my chickens while I am away (predator control) and the pandemonium must have been massive when this rider decided to come down my driveway to partake in my misfortune. Not only would the dog have been going crazy but many of my birds have never seen a horse. The rider came down anyway, despite my dog barking her head off. The hoof prints were proof in the pudding (mud).

So I have a dead pullet and no money to replace her because I have $30,000 of property damage. I emailed the neighbors kindly, including the email of the one I know rode her horse up and explained the financial issue with the loss of the bird. No one ever even said sorry.
I think you'll have to enclose your birds. They will get used to it. I originally let them free range but they were destroying my garden. Also, I have a lot of preditors such as cayotes, fox, coons, etc. which I have seen on my property. My coop and run are moveable. I used 2x2's, 2x4's and chicken wire on the top of my run. I have a fenced in range area with chicken wire for my birds. I have had no problems with preditors as of yet trying to get at my birds. Here are pictures of my coop, run and range area.
Sooo sad. The same thing happened to us recently, but we are very friendly with our neighbors. They feltbad, we felt bad and even ended up consoling them! I had to assure them that our friendship was more important than my chicken. They didn't mean for it to happen although they know the dog gets out at times and KILLS chickens. Anyway, it's hard all the way around. We have grown to really love our "babies" more than we expected. we spoil them and want to protect them from harm.
If I was in that situation, I'd ask the neighbor if they had any suggestions to help prevent it from happening again. You know, put the ball in their court. If they don't come up with anything acceptable, tell them you're going to have to fence in your birds because you can't risk them being eaten and would appreciate if they helped you out with it. If they're not willing to help with money and/or labor, I'd be calling in outside authorities.
jgarzasr, it is your neighbor's solemn responsibility to keep any being in his care from hurting another. Period - end of story. He should keep that dog leashed and/or fenced in. Until and unless he is willing to do that, you are stuck having to confine your feathered friends to a run. Try to have it be as large and interesting for them as possible. When I have to be gone for many hours and confine my roo and hen during that time, I hide interesting but healthy treats in their run so they can at least have fun finding them.

haymil, you are kindhearted. I could never place the value of an innocent life beneath that of a relationship with a neighbor. The bird deserved to live. If they knew the dog gets out at times and kills chickens, they needed to act more responsibility. "We didn't mean it" doesn't cut it.

I've nursed back to health birds mauled by dogs - the utter terror and pain they feel is horrific - there is no excuse good enough.

Thanks for all the replies. I'm hoping now that the neighbor knows his dog is getting at our chickens - he'll be more diligent at keeping him confined. I let this one go as no big deal - but next time I will be more upset. Only because it takes so long for these chickens get to the point where they are laying not to mention the feed. He was truly sorry - and asked what we owe him. He actually showed up as I was starting to add the cage to the coop - and offered to help out. We'll see what happens - but we can't afford anymore losses - at least not from their dogs. I'll be finishing up the run today - but I just don't think the chickens will be as happy...... but hopefully they'll be safe.
I agree with Judy with this...a good neighbour means that they follow ALL the rules ALL the time, not just when it's convenient or to keep someone else happy.

Jgarzasr, I'm sorry that you lost your birds.

I had a problem with my dippy Leghorns going over the fence and the neighbour came and told me. I immediately fixed the problem.
This past summer, the new neighbour said that Obelisk was getting out and she didn't want the dog to get her or her to get smushed by a I walked the fence and found out where she was getting out...she STILL got out and I found another place where she was going UNDER, not over and fixed that and now she's safe in her yard.

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