Neighbors keep asking for money !!** UPDATE LOL **

if I ran out there in a tinfoil hat and my bathroom - my poor DH would not know what to think either LOL

I think I have a plan - I am going to dig a trench around my house and the pens - fill it with water- and hatch out as many "mean" ducks as I can put little spiked collars on them and swim around the place - and just in case they get past them - I am going to put a spiked collar on my rooster Clyde and teach him to attack !!

I go to the landlord's house today and have a nice talk with him about the people he is renting to - on both sides of us - tell him that if he wants me and DH to keep living here - and making this house better along with the land better - he has to take care of these people or I will move

I can always repaint the new house I move into - plants can get repainted - and the coop I made can be taken down and rebuilt.


I found a way to at least drive the neighbors nuts - on both sides LOL
today is one of those "good days " - sun is out, no wind, all my animals are out and doing whatever LOL
I have the windows open - front door wide open - radio blasting - I made myself a mixed CD it has alittle of everything on it like :

Fergie, black eye peas, Sean paul ( temperature ), Kid rock ( cowboy, only gods knows why and my fav his redo of FAT BOTTOM GIRLS ), alittle Kenney wayne shepard ( blue on black )

and it is just blasting I am happily cleaning house -

what a great day LOL

On second thought, I vote for this method!

And I must also take back some of my earlier advice about offering them jobs around your property. I hadn't even thoughgt about the liability issue and they certainly sound like the type to take advantage whenever possible...
I had to check to see where you are from because I thought maybe my former neighbors had moved near you. The guy who lives two houses over from us was letting a relative live in an apartment over her garage with her two sons. The sons rode their bikes up and down the street swearing at each other all the time. They screamed in their yard constantly. It was awful. Plus the mother was asking us and the neigbor between us for gas money at least once a week. We felt bad but didn't give her any after the first $5. Eventually the man kicked her out for stealing his credit card and we saw in the paper a few months later she was arrested for heroin possession and prostitution. I don't think we'd have been helping her any by giving her money.
I like that idea, better yet tell the kids to tell their mom she can come wash the car for $10.
I understand about being broke and having to borrow money for gas once in awhile but seriously the last thing I would even think of doing was going to my neighbor or worse yet, sending my kid to ask for money.

you need a big fence with a gate and a lock.
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I haven't read all the posts--first I think she is a sponge, the more you give the more she will want/take. Second, what type of adult would want their children to know they were bumming money from the neighbors??? She has more than likely borrowed, begged etc from all her family, close friends, and even those that just know her--to the point that everyone is starting to say no so she has moved on to you!
Telling sad stories to get to your 'weak spots' or sending the kids over..

I would go over there the next time the kids come-a-knockin and say "I just wanted to let you know that the boys/kids are asking for money and I didn't know if you knew it. I have loned them X amount and I don't have any more to spare. I will not be giving them anymore and would appreciate you not letting them ask. And walk a way. This is what we had to do to my dh's nephew---we had to face to face tell him NO more. He had his wife, his grandmother and his daughter ask for money from us. All the time saying I will pay you back on Friday/next week/a little along the way. After he put his grandmother (My dh's mother) up to asking for more money.. I told her NO, and that she was not to ask again. Then I drove to his house and told him that we didn't have any more money for him and that he was not to get others to ask...he played dumb --like he didn't know what these others were asking for!!! He is a druggie. He and his gf have kids that they have lost to the system, she drinks anything and everything and does drugs. It's sad but I will not support their habits!! It's been 7months and he hasn't asked for anything..Dixie

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