Nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs!


9 Years
Jul 22, 2010
Set 18 IB eggs today in the dead of winter, in a 'bator I built myself, that were shipped about a thousand miles, and it's my first hatch ever. Now talk about stress! I'm may need some serious therapy when this deal is done LOL or perhaps sooner!

Candled them this morning after letting them rest for 48 hrs. Only three were suspect and I think they might be okay, just the shell seemed to be a bit thick on top. One looked as if the yolk was floating upward, but there still seemed to be a definite air sac at the top. I hope they make it to day 7 when I candle them again, and if I can't see anything they will be disposed of. Just hope they don't explode before then!

The temp is holding between 99-100 and humidity between 35-40.
Quote: They usually won't explode until they have been in the incubator for close to 3 weeks. They should not explode before your second candling (14 days). Good luck to you!!

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