Nest box pictures?

i never did try it open side up, but i know lots of people here have and it works for them. maybe you've got picky hens.
i don't think it could hurt to try it sideways. the worst that could happen is that they wouldn't like that, either.

i put the board on to keep the nest material (and, uh, the hen, ha ha) from sliding out the side. i think she liked it better without the board and sitting on the ground, to be honest, so i wonder how you'd fare with it open and close to ground level.
Thank you...I'm looking forward to having lots to share. My family is getting impatient they keep calling and asking if the girls are laying yet.
Wow after all these very impressive setups I feel a bit silly saying I went with an old refrigerator bin for my 2 chickens

If it gets the job done thats all that matters. I found a couple of these our in our shed. Im gonna clean them up and use them. Theyre free and I dont have to build anything! I think I might paint them though. Who knows..

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