Nest box stuffing

I use hay in the winter, straw in the summer.

I don't know why I do this, but it's just a habbit.
I use grass clippings and my hens seem to like it, although our roo keeps in arranging it the way he wants. But hay or wood shavings will do best for your nestbox.

Good luck!
I'm new to my chickies (got started pullets in July) & I have a lot of white office paper shredding - can I use that for the deep litter method or the nest boxes? It seems pretty soft, what do you think?

Thanks for your help - BYCers are the best!
While it may work for the nest boxes all the feedback I've seen on using it as coop litter was negative. When shredded paper gets wet it sticks to everything; including the chickens themselves. Think paper mache'.

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