Nesting box height.

lagrange chicks

Jul 27, 2023
So I made my nesting boxes 12x12x12, I have barred rock and easter eggers. I am thinking the height should be taller, looking at the barred rocks I think they stand taller then 12". They are just starting to lay (2 eggs neither in the boxes). I see some people with the size 12x12x12 and some 12x12x18 (18 tall). I have fake eggs in the boxes that I see do get moved around from time to time but have never seen a hen in the boxes. I am thinking of adding 4 to 6" of height in the boxes but thought I would ask BYC community there thoughts about this 1st.
Your boxes are big enough. Your issue is these are new layers so they need to learn to better control when and where they lay, and need to learn that the nest box is your desired location. Photos of nests and placement in the coop may help, but this might be something you'll need them to figure out in the upcoming weeks.
Thanks for the reply, I went out to the coop and added 6" to the height but left the 2 center dividers at 12", now they can look over the top of the divider to see what's going on next door. Before I changed it one barred rock would go in the nesting box but only if the lid was open, thats what made me decide more headroom was needed.
No, not soft shelled. I found it on the coop floor and put it in the nesting box with a fake egg and golf ball, went out latter and it was gone.
Not sure what happened to it then - maybe it was eaten. I'm not sure why you put it in the nest box instead of taking it in with you? Just having 1 fake per box is enough to give them the impression of "this nest is safe for laying."

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