Nesting box material


8 Years
Feb 18, 2014
I would like to know thoughts on the use of artificial turf in the nesting boxes. I used to use cedar shavings and that did work out well, but thought to try something different. I used to have one or two of my girls that kept pooping in the box and while the shavings were fairly easy to clean, I did notice some bugs taking advantage of the situation.

Thanks for your thoughts!
I'd use shavings for the main coop, and then straw or hay in the nesting boxes. However, this needs to be changed every 3-4 days. The shavings can stay for up to 2 weeks.
I would like to know thoughts on the use of artificial turf in the nesting boxes. I used to use cedar shavings and that did work out well, but thought to try something different. I used to have one or two of my girls that kept pooping in the box and while the shavings were fairly easy to clean, I did notice some bugs taking advantage of the situation.

Thanks for your thoughts!
Does this help?
I use shavings in mine. When they go into roost at night make sure they arent roosting in or on the box. They get the idea eventually that that place is not for sleeping if you move them.
Yes, that is similar to mine, what do you keep?
Just depends on how bad it is, sometimes I just change out the hay, sometimes all of it.
If someone breaks an egg, it all comes out. And periodically I just change it all out anyway, to lessen the likelihood of critters taking up residence. Just depends on what is needed.
Have you had any problems with red mite?
Just depends on how bad it is, sometimes I just change out the hay, sometimes all of it.
If someone breaks an egg, it all comes out. And periodically I just change it all out anyway, to lessen the likelihood of critters taking up residence. Just depends on what is needed.
the one thing I found a total waste of money is the woven straw mats bonded to paper that the ranch stores sell for nest pads. Our chickens tore those to pieces in just a few days. Plain old wood shavings are working well but I am going to try a square of carpet under the shavings just for some extra padding.

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