Nesting Box Pooper


13 Years
Feb 27, 2011
I have four hens and they've always slept on the roosting pole. Starting about a month and a half ago, one of them started sleeping in the nesting box. I adjusted the pole to make even more room, but she still stays there. Naturally I hate it because I'm cleaning poop out of the shavings all the time. Incidentally, she's the only one that lays "turtle eggs" despite unlimited shells to gobble on.

what's going on and what can I do to fix it?

I have one who just started this, too. I am planning on boarding the nesting box off for a couple of nights to see if she doesn't return to the roost.
I think closing off the nest box for a few days is a good idea. I find they create 'habits' readily & things have to be interrupted in order to break the unwanted habit.
is the roost higher than the nest box? is she getting harassed at night enough to knock her off the roost so that she has to go someplace else?
maybe alter your calcium source. perhaps she's not utilizing the egg shells sufficiently to build strong shells. I would switch to oyster shell or some such & see if it helps her "turtle egg" problem.
hmm all interesting points. Eggs don't stay in there long enough for them to be broody on though. As for calcium, i do use oyster shell. I was using egg shells before to no avail, In fact, I'm pretty sure none of them are even eating the grit or shell.

I could close off the box then open it in the morning.
This is what I'm going to do tomorrow. Close off nesting boxes.. Mine are not eating eggshells or oyster shells or grit provided..No eggs for 12 days here, hope this will work. Good luck to you as will

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