Nesting boxes in the run?


In the Brooder
12 Years
May 16, 2007
Finger Lakes New York
Has anyone ever does this? I have one hen laying outside under the coop.

I have tried putting a plastic easter egg, which worked for the others, as well as a golf ball in the nesting boxes in the coop to no avail.

So I thought, why don't I just put a box under the coop. That way the egg will be safe from pattering chicken feet and if she does indeed lay in it, it will be easier for me to get the egg.

Any thoughts?
Great question! I'd been wondering about that, too, because my coop is so small and I hate the idea of a nest box taking up needed space.

My girls are still babies so it hasn't been a pressing issue, but I was wondering.

Anybody out there have any luck with what tpantali described?


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