nesting boxes


10 Years
May 25, 2009
Southwestern, In
I'm gonna have close to 25 chicks when it's all said and done... don't know how many hens I'll have. How many nesting boxes should I put up, and do I need them in the coop now? My oldest is 4 wks old.
General guidlines is one box for every 4-5 hens or so. I have 5 boxes for my 20 hens and of course they all lay in the same 3 and ignore the other two...
Mine are 13 weeks and there are no nest boxes in the coop yet. They will go in in about a month, closer to point of lay. I don't want them to sleep in them and start a bad habit.
Holy cow...I hope you're joking.

My 100sqft(+/-) coop should be good for about 25 birds, and I studded out space for eight 12"x12" nestboxes. Everything I've read recommends one box for about every four birds, so I was thinking my eight boxes would be sufficient for more birds (32) than the coop could handle..

You can put the nest boxes in now, but just close access to them (I simply put empty feed sacks, all balled up, into the nest boxes until POL).

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