Nesting boxes

Mine are 12's and I may do my next ones as 16's. Is the extra space good or a waste?
Depends on the size of your birds. Watch them see how they get in and out and move around. Some birds enjoy the confined space. I made mine 12 x 12 but 18 deep. (Just the wood I had around) I will see how they like it next week. (Neighbor wintered my hens for me since by coop wasn't insulated and ready for -50°C yet) that's today's task.
Newbie question here. Do the chicken sleep in the nesting boxes or just on the perch? I know some people lock them in the nesting box area at night..should I do that or let them use perch if they want? In the temporary coop we have the have a nesting box but sleep on the perch. We are currently building coop and trying to get everything right. Thanks for any help.:)
Typically you will find them higher up on perches. My coop is a old grain she'd and had a steel cable from wall to wall. I have no clue how they got up there, but at night that's where I would find most of them.
I have BR, BO, RIR at the moment. They always look cramped, especially when there's three in the same box, lol.
Forgive me, I am a newbie..Can you explain BR, BO & RIR? (breeds?)
Let's see... Buff Orpington... Rhode Island Red... and ... dang... I can't remember BR. Maybe Barred (Plymoth) Rock. I wonder if BYC has a listing of all these abbreviations somewhere.
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