Nesting Issue....


Aug 12, 2016
I raised three chicks (one turned out to be a rooster) and so the two left are 4 months old and I am starting to get nervous about their nesting. One, sleeps in a tree every night, done it for a month now, so she does not spend any time in the compact coop. The other, a silkie, sleeps in the 32"x32" coop. The coop's design is so that one side is latched and falls open revealing two shallow nest boxes that can be pulled out. Question: will the tree dweller aka Esther just "decide" that she should go into the coop to lay??? Making me nervous because she literally flies the enclosed coop area and is free range leaving an entire yard for her to hide eggs in..... HELP
I raised three chicks (one turned out to be a rooster) and so the two left are 4 months old and I am starting to get nervous about their nesting. One, sleeps in a tree every night, done it for a month now, so she does not spend any time in the compact coop. The other, a silkie, sleeps in the 32"x32" coop. The coop's design is so that one side is latched and falls open revealing two shallow nest boxes that can be pulled out. Question: will the tree dweller aka Esther just "decide" that she should go into the coop to lay??? Making me nervous because she literally flies the enclosed coop area and is free range leaving an entire yard for her to hide eggs in..... HELP
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Sounds like you need a bigger coop and a roofed run.
I agree with coop size but i am now just concerned about the racket she makes when i go outside; it resembles a rooster continually crowing and it's AWFUL. Do they make noise when they are about to lay? i am within city limits and cannot have roosters due to noise, this, is way too close to that level.....

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