
You can see his mommy and his daddy in there. Glad someone on here has one so we can watch it grow up.
The way things have been going I figured we could watch all of them grow up at Sunny's house! What do they call that? Attachment disorder?
That's what I was thinking too, LOL! It was hard for me to not want to buy a pup when they were tiny and cute... But sometime I do come to my senses! I resisted the urge! Especially since Sam and Deliliah have such great personalities. Alas I am and always shall be a bull terrier girl! Congrats missy!
Hello everybody!

I'm brand new to chickens (as in last Friday!) and I'm also located in Nevada! I'm currently in a small town a few hours north of Vegas. I'm excited to hear from other Nevadans!

I'm looking forward to keeping up with this thread!

Hey everyone,

This is new territory for this site, and I don't think it's against the rules of the thread. Please correct me, Sunny, if I'm wrong.

I've chosen not to name the magazine so I can be sure this isn't misunderstood as an advertisement for an outside company.

Anyway, I was recently contacted by a media company which has recently purchased a major poultry magazine. The internet marketing person came across my blog and invited me to blog for the website. (Read: not BYC. The website associated with the magazine.) This isn't a paid gig. Basically, it's in trade for more traffic to my blog, where I can put my own advertisements, etc.

I started the blog as a fun personal adventure, mostly to address questions that a lot of friends have regarding gardening and homesteading in the area. This has become a sporadic information site, with articles corresponding with the seasons. I never expected any money to come of it, but figured it would get me a foothold in the blog's name, if I ever wanted to use it for something bigger. Like a greenhouse, or a farmer's market, or something like that.

What this offer IS good for, though, is recognition I need as a writer. When marketing our work, we have to shamelessly promote ourselves wherever we can. I figure, I can keep blogging for me and the magazine's site, but mention in my bio that I'm a novelist, and add a link to my author blog.

So anyway, the point of this is to ask if anyone is interested in helping a little. According to the agreement, they would like me to post one large article a week (500-1000 words) or two small articles a week (300 words or less.) After awhile, I'm probably going to run out of subject matter that's chicken-related. There's always something going on around the farm, but it doesn't always have to do with chickens. So what I'm asking is: Is anyone interested in guest-blogging for me once in awhile?

This is not for pay. You can write about a specific chicken, or how you built your coyote-proof chicken fortress. Maybe about a run-in with raccoons in your area. Why you got into chickens in the first place, or a story about how your kids relate to them. The only compensation you would get is my thanks, and a URL to the blog post, and possibly the opportunity to see your contribution on the magazine's website. If you need help with editing (grammar, language, etc.) I can do the editing and have you ok it before I post it. Of course, I'd like your pictures as well.

Again, Sunny, if I've overstepped my bounds posting this, let me know. If anyone would like to contribute, let's send any long communications via PM.

ETA: removed the name of my blog.
PM me if you need to know it.
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Um, well since you asked... I'm pretty sure that mentioning the name of your blog is not considered kosher here on BYC. You'd have to pm a mod to check though. I've done that with my own posts. Just click on the red flag at the bottom left of your post and ask your question when the dialog box comes up.

HEY! Ron! I haven't been on here for 4 weeks and the first post I read is your crack about my attachment disorder!

I only have 9 dogs, that's not so bad! Is it?
You guys are fine with me having 60+ chickens though aren't cha?

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