
WOW! Hello RAIN! Thinkin' that I should look for an ark or something...
Yeah I started to point out that HorseFeatherz is a really close neighbor to you (or will be as soon as you get settled) but I knew she'd be on to say "Hi" soon. Hi Genny! You still got snow up there? Our's is almost gone.

Vegas folks, you are finally getting some rain?!! I guess this string of storms is pretty far reaching then. We are supposed to be getting snow/rain for the rest of the week as well.
I know it sounds wierd, but we've gotten nearly nothing in Lemmon Valley. But you drive out a little, near scolaries, and its all snowy. lol awesome.
lol... are you thinking april for eggs from those hatching?? do you have other Cochins??? mine were hatched in early june, and STILL not laying.... the biys are getting to them now, so any day... but dang.. you'd think being a tiny bird they would lay sooner... lol....

who did you get your MFC eggs from?? i'm getting a pair of birds from Lynne in sandiego the middle of feb... i can't wait... they'll be between 8 weeks and 12 weeks i think she said... we'll have to try trading some eggs once they start laying...
lol... are you thinking april for eggs from those hatching?? do you have other Cochins??? mine were hatched in early june, and STILL not laying.... the biys are getting to them now, so any day... but dang.. you'd think being a tiny bird they would lay sooner... lol....

who did you get your MFC eggs from?? i'm getting a pair of birds from Lynne in sandiego the middle of feb... i can't wait... they'll be between 8 weeks and 12 weeks i think she said... we'll have to try trading some eggs once they start laying...

No she's talking about our ameraucanas that are due in April. I'm assuming she is hatching the cochins now to be surrogate moms for our little ams when they get here.

We ordered them from John Blehm ages ago and it is sooooooo hard to wait so long! Then when we finally get them we will be waiting ages for them to start laying!
Oh, anybody want an ameraucana cockeral or two (or 3 or 4)? They are straight run and I won't be able to keep the roos.

C'mon April!!!!!
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wish i was closer.. i'd take a roo... would be good to get some more blue genes in the flock....

i've got 4 EE's laying shades of green.... one of them is almost all blue.. really pretty.... and it looks like the EE roo is throwing some sort of blue/green, his offspring with the leghorn all have the peacombs.... and my little one that hatched out of a green egg has a great peacomb starting too...

YaY for fun colored eggs
That's great! The snow makes a mess of the chicken's run. Although I'm with KandJsmama, fog is what really makes me nervous! Especially when you have to drive in it. Well, at least that heavy stuff that sits on the ground and makes it hard to read the exit signs.... Hope the fog you're all getting down south is not that really thick nasty kind! I lived in Stockton for several years and the tullie fog is so bad some days that you have to open your car door (at 10mph) to see the lines on the road! Don't make me go back there, ever!
They sound like such pretty EEs. Well you could always drive halfway up to Reno and I could drive halfway... Course I won't know which one's are roos for awhile. Ams are notoriously slow at maturing.

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