
Awwww...thanks Aubrey (no I haven't left for the store yet

I can't wait to get chickens so I can post pics of them too
. I really really want to order some now, but I'm waiting to hear about how seriously ill my dad is...I may have to go out to Cali in a week or two and the holidays are just around the corner, plus my prospective chicken coop is basically an empty aluminum shed at the moment so I know I need to wait. On the other hand I keep rationalizing that if I got day old babies, I'd have several weeks to keep them inside giving me time to do the shed, but I still might have to go to anyways I'm waiting for now

Oh and before I forget the new avatar pic is great! Ok now I'm going to try and do something with this mop on my head and THEN I'm going to the grocery store....
It's probably a good idea for you to wait a bit on the chicks until you know you'll be home to care for them and get the shed converted in time. I hope your dad is ok.
I had started building our coop two weeks before we got them and still it was quite a push to get it ready. Mine were six weeks old before I got them in the coop and they were really pretty crowded in the brooder. At least you aren't starting from scratch on your coop, though. it'll be so exciting when you're ready to get the chicks, though!
you'll want to just watch them for hours. have you made your choices on breeds and how many you'll get?
I am considering 3 each of Australorps, Buff Orps, Easter Eggers, and looks like very similar to what you have listed! Because I mainly want eggs, and everything I've read basically says these guys are all pretty calm breeds. We have a really cranky old guy living behind us, he hates literally ALL animals so he's gonna be pissy about the chickens anyway, I'm sure he'd pitch a fit if I had a roo so I'm not going to get one, I'm also not sure if I can have one in town. So yeah....even though I really can't wait to get the babies, I think I better

My dad went in for a colonoscopy about two weeks ago and they found a tumor which when biopsied was cancer, last week he went in for I think my mom said a CAT Scan of his stomach, because apparently he's been having a lot of pain which he decided to mask with Percocette which he had left over from his back surgery last year. They are seeing a surgeon today to schedule his surgery and find out the results of the CAT Scan this afternoon, so I'll know more later this evening. I plan on going out for the surgery when that's scheduled. Thanks for the
Love to pics of the dogs!!

I wish I still had a pic of my daughter's much loved Pitt, Jersey. He was an amazing dog. I've worked with lots pitts and even a few BTs. Matter of fact I handled a BT in a specialty show when the owner tripped over a trailer hitch and broke his leg. Still got first! hehe

Sunny I knew they'd start getting along. Males just seem to think that if you bring in a female at any time, it's for him. Females are more like "Are you kidding me? See me when I'm in heat, otherwise get lost while I eat your food." You were probably in better shape since you brother in a female second and not a male. Females like their space and get real territorial when a male shows up, so sometimes it takes longer.

Oh and I like Striker. LOL Then again, you gotta remember hardly any of my dogs have ever been American bred and I usually show with groups who show under the original registries. AKC turns my stomach sometimes. Not that I would never show with them again. I would. That's where I started off, but once you get into even the sporting dog events, you start looking for other things. All of my GSDs and Rotties were anywhere from just starting their Schutzhund titles to Sch III's, so A's to III's. I've done a lot of protection training, but only with trainers who even the German's respect. I ran into some people here at Petsmart and they had a GSD they were just starting in Sch and they pulled the dog away from people and didn't know if he would bite. In my book, that means they started too soon. That dog should know to attack on command and then wag his tail and lick through a group of preschoolers. Ya just have to shake your head sometimes.

The Monk books! What are they????? Oh darm it! They work with GSDs and they have an awesome training series of books out there. I glaced at a few and I have one someplace. The only I have is more of their story than training, but what I saw of those books is awesome. OMG! I can't believe I can't remember where they're even from right now.

You should get herding training done with your dogs. If they are SQ and have working titles, you're doing it right.That way you also have something that shows your pups come from both worlds. Plus it will help with them around the birds.
Everyone! Whew, I'm home finally. Don't get me wrong, I really love visiting my family but it was a long visit and I was getting homesick. Can you believe a grandmother getting homesick? But I had a blast there. I didn't take any pics though, except of my sisters and myself to make my dad a calendar for next year. The cam just stayed in the suit case.
I hate when I do that, trying to get everything in that I want to do in a short time to do it in.

We are just 9 days to the poultry show, way cool Aubrey on showing your Belvedere, I hope she gets first place. We should have a schedule of when we can be at the booth on Saturday. I'm going to be there during the whole show and walk around as well staring at all of the birds.

I wanted working lines only but she is SQ lines and he is from working lines. I thought they were both working but I just checked and she is not from working lines. As Genny pointed out to me, that would explain the big size difference. Samson is much bigger but he is from German working lines (his grandfather was a much respected rescue dog) and she is from American show lines. Probably not supposed to combine the two but like I said before they are pets (and getting to be buddies) first. Just thought if they had puppies that I could sell them. Should I not even bother with breeding since they are from two different lines?

I love the idea of getting them herding training! This was my goal in the beginning. Getting a breed that could be trained to be good with other animals.

Aubrey and Laura I love all the pics (and the video) of your precious dogs!!! You guys are helping me to cope with my pic addiction. I was starting to feel withdrawal anxiety. Thank you!!!
Hey Sheryl! We missed you!!! Welcome home! I can't believe how much I missed your cheery good morning posts.
We will be heading into town tonight or tomorrow so we will pick up the t-shirt then if that works for you?
Tomorrow sounds really good for me Sunny! I'm trying to catch up on here since I was gone, don't be surprised when old posts start showing up with responses from me.
I haven't chimed in here in so long you know!
I wanted working lines only but she is SQ lines and he is from working lines. I thought they were both working but I just checked and she is not from working lines. As Genny pointed out to me, that would explain the big size difference. Samson is much bigger but he is from German working lines (his grandfather was a much respected rescue dog) and she is from American show lines. Probably not supposed to combine the two but like I said before they are pets (and getting to be buddies) first. Just thought if they had puppies that I could sell them. Should I not even bother with breeding since they are from two different lines?

I love the idea of getting them herding training! This was my goal in the beginning. Getting a breed that could be trained to be good with other animals.

Aubrey and Laura I love all the pics (and the video) of your precious dogs!!! You guys are helping me to cope with my pic addiction. I was starting to feel withdrawal anxiety. Thank you!!!

Sunny the best way to get that answer is through the pedigrees and evaluating your dogs. And yes you can combine although if he is over standard size you may run into a little problem. You need to go through your pedigrees and find all the information you can on all the dogs in thier lines. The German papers are usually the best, because the dogs are critiqiced(sp)when they're shown or worked. Look for any physical problems or temperment issues. You're boy is a German working dog, so she what titles are listed, same with your girl. Unfortunately unless the lines in the US are top lines and well known, they don't list problems with the dogs in the pedigree unless someone studies it and researches and actually shares the information. You can search the names online and see if you can find information that way. Also it might be time for a studbook. That always comes in handy for researching a pedigree. There's more, but I'm having a duh moment.

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