Never Again am I ordering from McMurray


6 Years
Mar 17, 2013
East Coast
First order 12 came,3 died. Replacement order all came alive, one little girl Nila has one good leg, other leg is crossed across her chest. Call them....In the middle of my dad's sentence. Lady interupts him and says we'll send you another one.... Seriously I mean really. Customer service terrible. Birds ok
when they can actually walk. And I'm just hopin my ducks are fair worthy. Never again McMurray....Never again will I buy your birds
they sent just 3 birds for replacement? My hatchery will not send anything less than 15. When I ordered from McMurray years ago, they also would only give me a replacement with the next order as does Townline.
they sent just 3 birds for replacement? My hatchery will not send anything less than 15. When I ordered from McMurray years ago, they also would only give me a replacement with the next order as does Townline.
ok so they sent replacement birds for the ones that died. I am naming Nila's replacement Nila to remember her.
I agree with above post, the drowning has nothing to do with the hatchery's fault. Just because her leg crossed over is the hatchery's fault but you would have thought ahead of time to prevent it from happening. If it was me, I would have put her down immediately and call the hatchery about it. Take pics for proof if they suspect it.
To LUVMYPETS: I have bought chicks from McMurray since 1956...I frankly don't believe your story...No way would they ship just 3 birds; the comment about the service rep interrupting your dad sounds awfully contrived;and the chick drowned because you didn't take proper care of it! ...For heavens sake give us a break...The whole posting sounds way to whiney to be taken seriously...
Bill to you. It's true. Fwi she was born with a defect or whatever. Also I don't whine thank you very much. The waterer we have isnt easy for them to drown in Unless she has to flop to it, but ur right it isn't the hatcheries fault she drowned. One more thing bill They sent us replacement birds for the ones that died for our first bunch of eleven. You said you ordered from them since 1956 or whatever doesnt mean there great. Also we got ducks not chicks. I love all animals and when one dies it's hard on me.
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