Never mind, I found a source.


8 Years
Mar 19, 2016
35.111165 -81.226586
My Coop
My Coop
Hi. I live about 40 miles due north of Columbia, SC. I bought some EE chicks last April. All grew up healthy and happy, but since putting them out in the pen I have lost a few. Two to an unknown predator, and one just up and died for no apparent reason. I would like to get some replacements before winter so hopefully they will all be ready to lay by next spring.

The feed store where I got the ones I have is no longer selling chicks this year (it's a seasonal thing with them) and I was wondering if anyone knew a good place that sells Easter Egger pullets. Mail order is OK, but must be able to deliver sexed chicks in small quantities (like less than ten birds) Can anyone recommend a reliable seller?
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:jumpy Hi. I live about 40 miles due north of Columbia, SC. I bought some EE chicks last April. All grew up healthy and happy, but since putting them out in the pen I have lost a few. Two to an unknown predator, and one just up and died for no apparent reason. I would like to get some replacements before winter so hopefully they will all be ready to lay by next spring.

The feed store where I got the ones I have is no longer selling chicks this year (it's a seasonal thing with them) and I was wondering if anyone knew a good place that sells Easter Egger pullets. Mail order is OK, but must be able to deliver sexed chicks in small quantities (like less than ten birds) Can anyone recommend a reliable seller?

Theres a guy in arizona that sells EEs. Im not sure if he ships or not.
I have his info. I will PM you with it. That way you can call and ask. He is good at calling back.

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