never mind

UM, I guess he is the head roo now?
I've got a BO roo, he is 23 wks today and I have a Buff Rock roo that is like 8 months. The rock is the boss so far because he is bigger, but who knows what will happen when little Caesar grows a little more.
Maybe I'm missing something, but it doesn't sound funny to me. Probably immensely stressful to all who got their butts kicked...................Hope they all settle out and there is harmony again soon. JJ
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I bet the other roo's have lots of wounds on their combs & wattles.
Are you going to keep them in a run together?
I have 3 roo's and I keep the alpha roo in a seperate run from the other 2 or he would kill them.
Why are you filling a coop with roosters? you know they are not going to have a tea party. Its a really mean thing to do.

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