Never start a War with the neighbors-Advice Needed

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Why can't you give them the brother's name and have them fine him?? Or, the person you bought the house from. You can't be held responsible for something that was there when you bought it. And, the Rubbermaid shed can't have a building permit. We have one. It's not a building. There are no plans. Sounds like they are related to someone in Code Enforcement, too. Talk to the neighborhood planning association. It should be in the covenants.

Believe me, I don't even look their way. I don't wanna know what's going on there and its not my business, never was until the music rattled my windows daily for hours at a time. And the shed is a whole 'nother story, if they're SOOOO illegal then why does everyone around here have them, and how come Home Depot is allowed to sell them? I feel like reporting everyone in the neighborhood with a shed to make a statement with the county. What they're doing is just picking and choosing what they enforce and with who and its not fair and not right.
Lordy what a mess!!
Thats right Shelly. If you think about it that way it makes total sense and the BUILDING permit isnt for noun 'building' it is for the verb 'building'

So since you didnt build (past tense verb) the shed. You purchased it. It wouldnt need a permit.
That's exactly what I told them on the phone, I dont understand how I need a building permit for something that is not a permanent structure. They said if it can blow away in the wind then it needs a permit. I told him on the phone that why do others have it, he laughs and says "yeah, everything's legal until you get caught"
They wanted 2 copies of the instruction manual as the plans, and 2 copies of my survey or cite plans. That was before I found out from another individual that they arent even allowed in this county. My Dad says to put some kid posters and toys in there and say its not a shed its a playhouse. If they don't give me a better alternative Monday I might start putting in phone calls to the local media.
But isn't that what started this in the first place?
I feel your pain!


But if I report everyone, and get everyone mad enough, eventually they might rise up and get mad with the county's ridiculous rules. Just kidding though I would never do it, was just a thought.
Yes indeed! And I'm the kind of person that hates problems, I usually just tuck my head into my shell until it goes away but they forced me with the loud music.

I can't imagine how fired up I would be at your loser neighbors (well actually I can and it wouldn't be pretty) I'm agreeing with Camelot on this one. Get the media involved and let them know what started the whole mess. The loud music, dogs tied up, etc. We have several media folks here that LOVE to jump on stories like this. I wish you luck. Unfortunately tearing down your porch IMO is the least of your problems. The losers sounds like they could get pretty ugly
If I were you, I would tell the daughter that spoke to you, "I found out great news. I checked with a real estate attorney and found out that the people that built the porch will be fined, not me. Also, if I have to tear it down or make repairs, I can sue them for all costs, including legal fees. I'm so relieved. It seems that they never properly disclosed their lack of permits on the real estate papers. I'm so glad that you brought all this up. Now I can get the porch fixed up, and they have to pay for it." The family is probably stupid enough to just back off. You don't have to tell them that you don't want to hire an attorney. Let them sweat it out. It seems unlikely that they can fine you. Also, I doubt that the rubbermid shed needs a permit. If there is no foundation, it's moveable. It's no different than parking a car in your yard. It's mobile, not a permanant structure.

By the way, you didn't start the war, you just didn't let the enemy take advantage of you when they started it. As far as the code enforcement people, I doubt that it's appropriate or allowed for a municipal employee to give out information on who made a report. File a formal complaint with the code enforcement office. Make a real stink about it. You didn't start the war, but you are in it now. Surrender is not an option. You either have to win it or have a truce.
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