Never start a War with the neighbors-Advice Needed

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call some other attorneys - that price they quoted seems ridiculous, but a lot about this seems fishy and you need someone familiar with property law.
Yeah I doubt they're done with me and my property. My Mom wont even let my little brothers stay over anymore, she's afraid of their safety. I'm not afraid of physical harm, I'm afraid of what they'll do to my place when I'm not here.
My problem is that its too late for them to back off. Code enforcement is involved now. And she found me through Facebook sending me a nasty message saying she was going to make my life miserable and I better keep myself off her dad's property etc etc etc. I did want to send her an email back saying she just did her brother a huge disservice but I decided to cut all communications with them.
My problem is that its too late for them to back off. Code enforcement is involved now. And she found me through Facebook sending me a nasty message saying she was going to make my life miserable and I better keep myself off her dad's property etc etc etc. I did want to send her an email back saying she just did her brother a huge disservice but I decided to cut all communications with them.

I would save all this stuff just in case you need to call the cops and have evidence if they keep harassing you
I've never had to go through small claims court but I wonder if that would be an option, someone told me its relatively inexpensive to go through if I am facing big costs anyways. And if it boils down to court, I'd hope they would have to pay the fees too.
You could save those emails and get her for harassment. She will back off as soon as she is arrested for harassing you.
I guess her "friend in code enforcement" is pulling strings.

I did I printed them off, she says that her family has lived there for 30 years and aint never had a problem. Saying "so and so" has known her since she was a kid, and so on and so on. Interestingly I even tried contacting her when it first started and she said to go talk to the renters myself because she has her own problems to deal with. So its not like I jumped straight to code enforcement over this. And yes, somebody is pulling strings, I think the guy that came out to give me the citations is the one she is friends with. I began to ask him about the shed and he got short with me and said the phone numbers are on the citation, call it if you got questions.
Hahaha the cops around here told me that they can't do anything until the person actually harms you. So you're pretty much screwed. Me personally, I don't just wait around to get my butt kicked. But that's just me.
I've been in a few of these wars before, and I won, but I had to break a few laws in the process. It was worth it, but you might not be wanting to risk it.
I'm not sayin, I'm just sayin.

"Code Enforcement" is the biggest JOKE I've ever heard of! The old code enforcer went round and round with my in-laws a few dozen times - making up rules, enforcing which ones they wanted on who they wanted and ingoring others, etc.
Fortunately he's gone and the position is open now so nobody's doing much of any "enforcing" thesedays
If you did not give your name when you made the complaint with the Code Enforcement, then I would file a tort claim against the City or file a suit against them. If you stated that you wish to be anonomous, then they can not legally give your name out. I worked for the City for almost 3 years, and even if they gave us their name, we still under no circumstance ever gave out their names.

We do have a neighbor now that has been complaining on us. My husband works on vehicles for extra money, and she doesn't like them setting in our yard. Today, him and our oldest son was working on one, for one our local Police Officers
The neighbors must have thought we were doing something really bad around here today. We had half the Police Department at our house
Curious to see if the wonderful neighbor will complain again. We do try to stay on the good side of our City Officials. Works to our advantage. But, she has absolutely no reason to complain, it's not like they set here for months.

Neighbors, you just gotta love em

There are some things that I feel warrant a complaint and others just do not. Loud music that rattles your windows in your home, needs to be stopped. But, the bad is that, they happen to be CRAZY!

If you can prove that the add on was their when you bought the property, I would go after the sellers wether they are poor or not. Looks like you have a tough road ahead of you, but I do hope that is just blows over for your sake.

I would also dress the shed up like a playhouse, I think that's a good idea.
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