New additions what are they crossed with!


cosmic chicken
10 Years
Jun 12, 2009
Would be great to know your thoughts on what these hens are - they appear to be all heinz variety so crosses. They have all only started laying eggs about 6 weeks ago. I'd put them at around 30 weeks old - my black rocks in the background are old girls now - all around 5 or 6, so i'm starting to introduce younger hens into the flock.

This one lays pale eggs - It is whiter in colour than the photos and VERY big...


This one lays light green eggs and is more grey in colour than the photos. Quite a wide hen


This one lays brown eggs and is generally a large stocky hen!
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They all three look like chickens I got from my Speckled Sussex/Delaware/Black Orpington crosses. Yes, they can vary that much when they are crosses of crosses. But there are many many other breeds that, when crossed, could produce chickens that look like that. I'm not even going to try to guess what is in yours. Just enjoy them.
Yeah I know they are mixed - but i'm interested in knowing what they might be mixed with. Particularly the second hen. She is awesome - very friendly and lays the most amazing green eggs!
what are the breed options? if you have no idea then there is no way any of us can give you any idea as to what they are. for all we know(and you if you dont know other breeds from were you got them) they could of had mixed parents and have 4+ breeds in them
I know the guy had light sussex, wyandottes and RIR's - so I guess they could easily be a mix. What I was more intrigued about was the green egg. Are there many hens that lay green - i've seen a few before, but not many

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