New Ancona Duck Owner in MI


In the Brooder
Aug 12, 2015
Lansing, MI
Hello Everyone!

My name is Kara. My husband and I live in Michigan. Our neighbor has chickens in his backyard, and with his support and advice we decided we would like to have some sort of fowl ourselves. Besides the thought of the freshest and most locally sourced eggs possible, we also both like being more self-sufficient. We have extensive vegetable gardens, a strawberry patch, and a black raspberry patch, all on our little city lot. After extensive research, we decided to go with ducks for our backyard flock. We are now the proud "parents" of 5 Ancona ducks. We ordered chicks through a local farm supply store, and raised them indoors until they got their adult feathers. They are almost exactly 3 months old as of today. My husband dubbed them "the Blackfoot Gang" and their names are Sonya, Sasha, Oleg, Peter, and Ivan.

Our ducks have a lovely little pond that my husband built for them, an insulated and secure coop, and a small fenced in area to run around in during the day. They are starting to develop their adult voices and we are almost certain that we have 3 males and 2 females. One reason for my joining BYC is to look into finding a good home for one or two of the males, since we know that the ratio we have is not a good one for our girls. I found BYC through multiple rounds of internet research on ducks, and anconas in particular. The forums here pop up almost every time I look something up and it looks like a wonderful, supportive community.

I am a music teacher, we have 4 cats, and I look forward to learning and sharing as a part of this forum!
Welcome to BYC - good luck in finding homes for two of your drakes. At the onset of breeding activity you may want to separate at least two of the drakes from the flock. It is not uncommon for multiple drakes breeding a hen in a pond/pool to inadvertently drown the hen.
Thanks! I was planning on posting in the duck thread soon, we know that we can't keep them this way much longer. They were all raised together, and I've heard that can help limit the aggressive behavior, but we don't want to take any risks.

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