New, and have a question about egg color


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 22, 2011
Whidbey Island, WA
Not that this is a pressing issue, but I have what I believe to be 3 Barred Rocks, 2 Rhode Island Reds, and 4 Australorps. I get mostly Light brown eggs, brown eggs tinted a pink color, brown eggs with dark spots, and occasionally....A WHITE egg?! I eat them, they taste good, but they are such a mystery as to whom they are coming from! Any ideas? Do I have a mis-identified breed in here?

I adopted these hens (15 days ago) from the previous owner of my property, and so I am not positive on their origin.
from North Texas. Not sure who is laying
Are they VERY white, or just a really pale tinted cream/beige? My Australorps lay tinted eggs and will occasionally deliver one that's paler than usual, but if you're looking for just one chicken that's laying properly white eggs then check their earlobes. From what I've read, the one with the white earlobes will be laying the white eggs. :)
I have BR and Australorps also, to name a couple of mine, my Australorps do lay a very light egg, but not pure white (I have a Calif white hen that has laid every single day since she started laying, a perfect pure white egg) guess would be its from the Australorp, and that it is not pure white...maybe a light ivory.
That little patch of feathers at the ears will determine the color of the eggs! Crazy but true, if its a cream color, =cream eggs! red = brown eggs, unfortunately for me, all 3 that are laying now have the same color ears, so I cant tell who's irregular....who's the lightest and who's darkest (I've looked and looked believe me) so since it's their first season I had to let it go...just happy they are laying and acting like normal hens:)
Achickenwrangler#1 :

That little patch of feathers at the ears will determine the color of the eggs! Crazy but true, if its a cream color, =cream eggs! red = brown eggs, unfortunately for me, all 3 that are laying now have the same color ears, so I cant tell who's irregular....who's the lightest and who's darkest (I've looked and looked believe me) so since it's their first season I had to let it go...just happy they are laying and acting like normal hens:)

You just helped me solve a mystery. This week one of our girls started laying, but we couldn't tell who, and the egg color wasn't what we expected. It was almost flesh color, or creamy colored. I was thinking it was one of our EE's, but this morning I saw one of our Cherry Eggers in the nest box. Sure enough, the egg was from her. I looked at her ears later, and she does have lighter, tannish colored feathers around her ears, even though she is red everywhere else. Now I am really excited, because it means I have more variation than I was expecting from our brown egg layers, AND my EE's haven't started laying yet, so I can still hope to have those blue/green eggs!​

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