New and need rat help !

Hello, and welcome to BYC. Not certain that is rat poop. Something next to it like a quarter for size indication would be helpful

Thank you , I already scooped it away, but it was a bit larger than an inch long, and not quite a quarter inch thick. There were about five in total. I’ve read some thing on Cecal poo, which I was hoping it was that. However it sounds like the consensus is rat poo. Also it does look very similar to a know rat area in my dog kennel, but slightly larger.
If you do a forum search on "Rats" you will find many, many threads with helpful information on how to rid yourself of rats. Basic concept is don't provide what they need and want, take it from there as to "how." Thanks for helping see that I'm "free ranging," whatever that means.... 😊 Good Luck.
Thank you, I’ve been stalking the rats threads since December, but I just feel like I’m not getting it quite done to get them out, so I felt I needed to join with the poo pics for proof in case it happened to be something else that a seasoned pro could identify . Wishful thinking!
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
They look like rat droppings to me. Have you tried any tunnel type rat traps to catch them? You also need to find out how they're getting in.
We’ve tried snap traps , shooting them, smoke bombs. The snap traps worked for a while, but I still see the poo, so I think not getting all of them. Also smoke bombed but holes reappeared next day or so.
Yeah smoke bombs is not something I'd think would work at all. You can stick a hose down a tunnel and potentially drown some pinkies but even that is not going to solve the problem. I used to try just one or 2 things to see if I could get results but it wasnt until I did a full on Six Sigma project complete with control plan that I solved for good. It's a huge effort but the alternative of just living with rats, I couldn't accept that.
Yeah smoke bombs is not something I'd think would work at all. You can stick a hose down a tunnel and potentially drown some pinkies but even that is not going to solve the problem. I used to try just one or 2 things to see if I could get results but it wasnt until I did a full on Six Sigma project complete with control plan that I solved for good. It's a huge effort but the alternative of just living with rats, I couldn't accept that.
Details of this project 🙏pretty please?!

We have so far done what I’ve said so far, and also given a good cleaning, added water to their crumble so it’s not as messy and is more contained, feeding in other area as well outside of coop. We’ve had chickens for over ten years, but suddenly got the rat issue. We had a very mild winter, usually we have it much rougher, not sure if that is part of it. There are tiny cracks we could fill but they are small. I saw about a treadle feeder but we have about forty chickens and that seemed like too small for all of them. We plan on butchering those in the fall and have a new sets of chicks to replace. Though not as many. Sorry if that sounds cruel ! The rats make me feel so disgusting, and embarrassed, and I’m afraid to even eat the eggs. We do eat them, but I get nervous doing so!

Hardware cloth-thinking about this- our coop is attached to a garage, and about a foot off the ground. Not sure how I’d go about getting the hardware cloth attached on the side that attaches to garage. Just difficult access there.Hmmmm..?
Hello! No cats… we have a big outdoor sandbox and nice birds, so have been hesitant to get one. Hubs is against as is afraid of the cats urinating on things and using the sand as a litter.
You might consider getting one just for your coop and run. One of mine spends a lot of time with the chickens.

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