New arrivals

I'm glad I could help! one more thing, the bag of crumbles I got for these babies seemed too big for them this time, so I had to pour just a touch of water in the feed so they could eat it the first 3 days or so. It was the same feed the first bunch had, but this time it was bigger pieces or something. luckily they grow super fast so I didn't have to keep that up.
they are beautiful
peep peep
I would guess they survived from eating crumbles. You can always grind up food that is too large for young birds to handle, and or moisten a bit.
The little buggers are growing like weeds. They like to suddenly run like crazy all over the brooder. I switched out the chick waterer for a gallon jug with a hole cut in it, so much less chance they can knock it over with their hijinks. I have a baby pig waterer I might try next, but I think they would try and swim in it.

I'm devastated. Our little duckling didn't make it. Not sure what happened no pecking visible. Thinking they weren't showing it to drink maybe. I helped it drink earlier but napped and woke to check and it was dead. I feel horrible. Sorry to bring sad news to your adorable thread :(

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