New at Hatching....have a question


11 Years
Apr 28, 2008
Central Massachusetts
I am very new at this. We have a still air incubator and are going to try to hatch some of our own eggs. My question is, how long can you collect eggs for before putting them into the incubator? Do they need to stay at room temperature? Sorry if this is a repetative question, but did a search and couldn't find the answer.

I have heard and read they can be upto 10 days old, but the fertility drops considerably. They should be kept with large side up in 55-60' temps. I have also read that they should be kept in higher humidity. not sure how important that is b/c I have also read that some don't worry about it b/c they are sitting on their counters.

Hopes this helps
I have had eggs hatch that have been stored up to 10 days, but in general I would recommend no longer than a week. Store them in a carton, pointy-side down in a cool location (the fridge is not recommended but apparently some eggs can and do hatch after being stored in the fridge:) and rotate the eggs a couple of times a day. I will usually place a book underneath the carton length-wise and then alternate to the the other side.

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