Okay, so we made an incubator for the fun of it. Last time we had 3 chicks die at different stages. Many posters said could be from distance to heat source etc. This time I am rotating eggs around. My question is this....I don't have an enclosed bator. Mine is a box with a heat lamp and a bowl of water (which I will switch to a sponge the last few days) and the lid is just pieces of box covering the sides with the middle open for the heat lamp to shine in. So with all that said, will my chicks even survive at all. I read that sometimes they die because the bator keeps being opened. My temp is right at 100 but I don't know about humidity. Is the problem with a lided bator that the temp drops? Mine stays the same all day even though it has an opening, it is a still air bator. Should we put a humidifier in the room the last 3 days to help with humidity or might it make them drown (like I have read)? I know for sure I have 3 chicks we saw them move during candeling. 4 are big blobs but didn't see movement (darker shell) and 1 was a probably not. Thanks for your thoughts.