New at this and new chicks coming soon


5 Years
Jun 19, 2014
So I have our first set of eggs in the incubator and they will hatch in 5 days. I have white silkie batam eggs that I purchased from eBay (seller has great ratings btw). 15 eggs were shipped and 5 look like they are good eggs from candling. Anyway, I have a son with medical issues and I want to keep very healthy, clean chicks. I've never had animals other than a dog and we live in a neighborhood but have a nice sized back yard. So should I vaccinate the chicks? Since I've never had chickens before I didn't think so but also I bought them on eBay so I'm not sure if they can carry diseases. My son has very rare medical concerns so I don't want diseases here. Any help would be appreciated.
I def will be giving them medicated feed. And we've been washing hands after touching incubator, etc. also, should I keep the chicks in the house? Does that pose a health risk? I have a garage but it's hot (very hot like over 100 degrees) but we do have a storage room in the house that is normal air temp of a house.
Hi and welcome

u will want to keep your chicks in a place that is 90-95 degrees for the first week. after that u will want to lower the temp each by 5 degrees every week. u will be able to tell if they are warm enough as long as they are acting normal and not huddling up together.

keeping them in the house for a week or so isn't a big issue, but as they get bigger u will want to move them outside for both health issues and others such as them flying about, creating dust and such.

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