New Australian Hatching Mystery Egg at Home

Hi Teloka!
I just found your thread through a link Ozexpat put on the Easter Hatch-along thread. Wow! What a crazy, and neat adventure you are having! I don't know how many people would know enough to incubate an egg properly if they found one on their doormat!
Good for you! I am rooting for your little chick/duckling and hope it pips out soon!
Aaahhhh aahiiee I just woke up for middle of the night checking (its 4:30am here!) and saw the first rocking movement of this whole venture and lots of it AND there is the dimple of an external pip!!!
Is there a way for air to get in to the bator? Now that it's pipped the baby will need more oxygen than before. Can't wait to see what it is!!!
I'be attached two photos, one of the wee pip and one of the gap between the lid of the bowl to show the ventilation! I've been increasing the gap gradually. I can increase the gap fairly easy and the humidity too if need be! (humidity 65%) Also in the second picture is a shot of the bumblebee that has landed here during the night to watch too!



I will have to go back to sleep now but I'll update as soon as I wake up to respond better especially to all the new posts (is hard typing on my phone and half asleep haha) will be hard to sleep but is probably best otherwise I'll just stand here for hours! Thank you all so much!
(woops double post. These smartphones I tell ya!)

Just as I was going back to bed I said 'see you in the morning' and it squeaked at meeeeee my heart is totally melted already
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I'be attached two photos, one of the wee pip and one of the gap between the lid of the bowl to show the ventilation! I've been increasing the gap gradually. I can increase the gap fairly easy and the humidity too if need be! (humidity 65%) Also in the second picture is a shot of the bumblebee that has landed here during the night to watch too!

I will have to go back to sleep now but I'll update as soon as I wake up to respond better especially to all the new posts (is hard typing on my phone and half asleep haha) will be hard to sleep but is probably best otherwise I'll just stand here for hours! Thank you all so much!
thats more than enough ventilation. well done!!!!

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