New Australian Hatching Mystery Egg at Home

((I've just figured out MultiQuote, so I can respond to a lot of you!))

Yes, go get some sleep! One of my ducklings just hatched, so I'm going to go stare at the incubator for a bit. Fingers crossed your baby is the next to put in an appearance!
I'm so happy to hear your duckling hatched out Sumi! Congratulations! <3 I would definitely be doing the same with the staring. Have any more hatched out for you yet?

Sally, I think we'll have to wait and see what hatches before we design the nursery. If it sounds like a duck and it looks like a duck, it's a duck. And if it's not a duck we have a problem
In my household there's sort of a rule of not planning too far in advance because I have a huge enemy in Murphy the writer of Murphy's Law. If something CAN go wrong it will go wrong and if you prepare for something and are ready for it something will DEFINITELY go wrong. So I'm not taking my chances with this little fellow, although I do have a polystyrene box which I can convert to a brooder in a hurry if need be I hope.

Good luck!
Maybe staying away from the incubator will somehow encourage the little chickie to get out! :D I had a chick hatch in the middle of the night, barely two hours after I went to bed and a whole day of staring at the same tiny pip. I hope the same goes for you, and you don't have to wait another day to see that mystery bird hatch! Very excited!!!
This was sort of what I thought would happen! We were up checking all night at two-hourly intervals but nothing! I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad about it, at least if it hatches during the day I'll be able to watch it more intently than if it had hatched during the night and I'd only got there at the end or something. I'm not sure if I'll last another whole day and night like this though, ahhh
Yawwwn yes I'm up sorry for taking a bit, but still NO CHANGE! about to pull my hair out!! Sorry folks, I'll read all these posts in a minute but I wanted to update asap, can't believe still nothing to report. Time for an intervention?
I was hoping for some news before I log off for the night. How many hours has it been now since external pip, must be 24 or thereabouts? On the intervention: Candle before you do anything and check on the yolk and the veins. I have 2 ducklings in the 'bator now that pipped about 30 hours ago and when I checked on them they were not ready yet. These things can take a long time. Sorry!

If it's ready and you do start assisting follow Sally's instructions in the article: Open the shell very carefully, so you can see the inner membrane but don't touch it yet. This way you can get an idea of what the situation with the veins are. Don't tear the membrane unless you are sure there is no blood left. If you accidentally nick a vein and it bleeds, stop what you are doing. Dab a little cold water on the spot and replace the egg in the incubator for at least an hour though more would be better.

Best of luck and I will see you in the morning!

ETA: just saw your post. Only one duckling so far and 7 pips.
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cant wait to see what you have, sending hatching vibes.. good luck..

I am on day 20 and anticipating my hatch..
oh! oh best of luck with your hatch! I hope that it goes well for you! <3

So you agree that the QLD rugby team sucks?
Hi Oz, hahaa. I really could not care any less about sport, so you are entirely welcome to think whatever you wanna think about our local sporting teams! So long as you're only judging their ability to play the sport and not their ability as people, I don't think ther'es a problem to have a negative opinion or even a bias! I honestly really wouldn't know if they are good or bad to say otherwise! XD
oh! oh best of luck with your hatch! I hope that it goes well for you! <3

Hi Oz, hahaa. I really could not care any less about sport, so you are entirely welcome to think whatever you wanna think about our local sporting teams! So long as you're only judging their ability to play the sport and not their ability as people, I don't think ther'es a problem to have a negative opinion or even a bias! I honestly really wouldn't know if they are good or bad to say otherwise! XD
I was just trying to provide distraction during your stressful time

I am a great admirer of the QLD rugby league team. From a per capita basis of talent draw NSW should wallup them but drive and determination are what makes QLD such a great place.

Mrs Oz and I often talk of retiring to FNQ
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The OP is having a much needed rest and she will be back sometime over the next few hours to update. If you hover over her post bit you will get a drop down menu. Click on "follow member" select "immediately" and you will be notified when she posts again.
I don't mind the chatty posts or anything, I'm amazed so many people around the world are checking on on this eggie! Oh I hope it goes well! But this is very useful information! Also, I'm happy to PM anyone who might want just major updates. :)

I can't wait for the baby dragon to arrive, then we can discuss the training!! :p
Oh my gosh!! That would go down really well in this house! My little princess is super into Dragons and wants her only Toothless with great gusto. And I'd be pretty happy if that's what popped out, to be honest, I think I could handle a dragon :D

I was hoping for some news before I log off for the night. How many hours has it been now since external pip, must be 24 or thereabouts? On the intervention: Candle before you do anything and check on the yolk and the veins. I have 2 ducklings in the 'bator now that pipped about 30 hours ago and when I checked on them they were not ready yet. These things can take a long time. Sorry!

If it's ready and you do start assisting follow Sally's instructions in the article: Open the shell very carefully, so you can see the inner membrane but don't touch it yet. This way you can get an idea of what the situation with the veins are. Don't tear the membrane unless you are sure there is no blood left. If you accidentally nick a vein and it bleeds, stop what you are doing. Dab a little cold water on the spot and replace the egg in the incubator for at least an hour though more would be better.

Best of luck and I will see you in the morning!

ETA: just saw your post. Only one duckling so far and 7 pips.
I'm sorry there's no news! It has now been about 28 hours since External Pip. I will candle just now and make sure I can see the yolk void, I thought I would sit down on my hands, and do nothing and have my coffee while I responded just to make sure. I'm happy to wait and let it take time (although I might have to get a bit more of a sleep as a nap during the day if it's going to take another day and night of this!) because I am scared of assisting, but I desperately want to do whatever is best for this little chappy.

Thank you so much for your help and I hope you have a good sleep as well! Time zones, rah!
I don't mind the chatty posts or anything, I'm amazed so many people around the world are checking on on this eggie! Oh I hope it goes well! But this is very useful information! Also, I'm happy to PM anyone who might want just major updates. :)

Oh my gosh!! That would go down really well in this house! My little princess is super into Dragons and wants her only Toothless with great gusto. And I'd be pretty happy if that's what popped out, to be honest, I think I could handle a dragon :D

I'm sorry there's no news! It has now been about 28 hours since External Pip. I will candle just now and make sure I can see the yolk void, I thought I would sit down on my hands, and do nothing and have my coffee while I responded just to make sure. I'm happy to wait and let it take time (although I might have to get a bit more of a sleep as a nap during the day if it's going to take another day and night of this!) because I am scared of assisting, but I desperately want to do whatever is best for this little chappy.

Thank you so much for your help and I hope you have a good sleep as well! Time zones, rah!
I just stamble on this treat, and I got to say, I want to know what is going to happen next. You see, I did set up my homemade incubator, and placed there 10 duck eggs( we 4 ducks so I have no idea who's eggs were those). Well, in the end only 1 was fertile, the rest had to be thrown away. Now we have 1 egg and I do hope it will hatch, but my luck is not so good with hatching eggs.

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