New Australian Hatching Mystery Egg at Home

Such a cutie! Here's a video of some wood duck babies hopping from their nest. Maybe you can play it for him so he can hear the other ducks? Haha I don't know, but it's mighty cute!
I'm frightened about this first night! Our brooder box doesn't have a lid at the moment, and I think bugs might get in for the light. But I don't want to put a lid on because I'm not entirely sure about the fire-safety of the lamp we're using (but Basil seems to love cuddling it!). Even if I used my other lamp, I think it would still stop me from putting a lid on because it clips onto the side and isn't self supporting.

The other thing I'm noticing although I don't know if it is normal for baby ducklings, but WOW can he JUMP! He is almost jumping right out of the brooder box in the picture! He crouches down and wiggles his tail and then springs super high. Perhaps he is practicing for the wood duck hatchling rite of jumping out of the tree hollow or something, but it's amazing that he has so much energy. He takes long naps now at least, it's taken him quite a while to stop and sleep, but in between when he is awake he peeps and peeps until I come and sit near the brooder and put my hands in (and then he snuggles in oh he's so cute and small and soft!!!), but sometimes he is jumping up high and getting the claws on his toes tangled in the towel and he wings up hanging by one leg. He seems to be able to get himself down (because one time I went to rescue him but he got himself down), but I'm not sure if I should be more worried about this? I don't mind the jumping so much as the strain it might put on his leg if he twists it wrong.
Most wood (forest) ducks can really jump. I raised a little orphaned Muscovy, and he jumped out of his box and came looking for me. Hubby didn't believe it until he saw Henry do it several times. They have a very sharp middle(I think) claw designed for that purpose. So they can climb out of the nest/hatching area and go find "MOM".

Watch that little guy like a hawk until you have him in a secure box. I don't know about wood ducks, but other breeds can manage a day or two without food, as long as they have water.

They can be great but demanding pets! Congrats

here is a description of the wood duck in Australia. Apparently they are considered a pest and you can shoot them on your property without a liscence.

Every state has separate laws - the info you provided is Western Australia.

You may be even able to shoot them but you need a license to own one.
Yay, finally!
I'm so glad that your patients payed off.
Basil is beautiful. Congratulations on a job well done. I don't know if I would have been as patient as you have been.

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