New Australian Hatching Mystery Egg at Home

Oh my heck,,, he will look like one of these? Beautiful!
they are not australian wood ducks


........He's so cute but man do I need to get some shut eye. My thought is to remove the lamp, and instead put in a heat pack which he can cuddle in to, and that way it will at least be dark and maybe that will encourage him to sleep........
Worth a try for sure!
Wonder if giving him that heat pack wrapped in the shirt you wore today would help? Can ducks 'smell' their 'mommies', like puppies do?
Good Luck!
Can you get a brooder with taller sides? Like a large plastic tote? The thing with wood ducks is the ducklings jump out of the nest and never return to it again, so he is really just following his instincts to get out and follow the family to their next location.

Having a day and night cycle will certainly help him sleep, as normally he wouldn't have 24/7 light. He's probably tired too because of it! That is why I love my Brisnea Ecoglow brooder, it replaces a heat light so the chicks can experience night time (and keep quiet for a long while too ;) )
can you get him a buddy to stay with him of a stuffed animal or even a feather featherduster to put in with him and i have heard that a mirror might help him not be so lonely then he might settle down a little
If you have one of those tins people use when they're painting the house (the ones for the rollers) they're great for ducklings because they have a natural slope.

The pictures are great! Basil is so lucky to have landed on your doorstep! I was telling my mom about this and she said it's like the law here that if a new mom doesn't feel like wants or can take care of her baby she can leave it on the doorstep of a fire station or hospital with impunity. So maybe that's what was going through the wood duck mother's head.
As my chickx and chickens peep and crow needing attention here in MO i am reading about Basils birth...
Just read all 51 pages at one setting and was so stressed about page 35..wanted to jump to the end so badly and see but couldnt miss a post....glad he hatched .
After the reptile talk I was starting to worry that there were some reptile in Australia that had a hard shell...that would have been sort of creepy expecting a duck
Glad he is a wood duck.Good luck on him He sounds like a hand full already! And hes SO CUTE!!
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when he hatched he carried a big stack of wood with him

sorry i just had to

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Wood Duck!!!! .LOL.

Thanks chicken pickin- The Photo's are so CUTE!!! Great work!!

I had to pull an all-nighter last night for work (two or three times a year) and left the house at 6 last night, got home around 1 this afternoon. You guys had a ton of excitement!!

Having raised a lonely duckling before, I highly recommend getting yourself another pair of ducklings from a local source so the baby has friends. It will still imprint on you, but it won't be unhappy when away from you, which gets to be unnerving after a while, and you feel immense guilt...and lack of sleep because of the drama. Also, it will socialize with other ducks and have the opportunity to pair up later, instead of being confused as an adult. It's advisable if you like to sleep.

You did a great job, and I'm giving you a virtual high 5 for your very patient efforts!!

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