New Australian Hatching Mystery Egg at Home

Duh lol

No experience with ducks so this is just a random thought but do you think if there was something in the brooder that he could feel like he was hiding under he might feel safe enough to sleep?
I tried making him a little blanket-fort, but he didn't seem interested. There's obviously a lid on the box now to stop him from climbing out, but that only conceals the roof, really. I might try making him a sort of a-frame triangle I think someone suggested, and maybe he will cuddle into that? I wish I didn't need sleep because I'd just hold him all night so he could sleep happy if I could!
Polenta is a boiled, slow-cooked cornmeal "mush" -- typically made with coarsely ground yellow corn meal.


Yes. In Australia, the cornmeal is labelled as Polenta. You can get it at Woolies or Coles. this a good time to mention that my daughter' name is Jemima? :D
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Waaahhh I love the name Jemima, your little girl is so lucky to have such a cute name! :D
Okay, sharing the huge photo spam that I took of Basil yesterday! Including our adventure outside into the big wide garden!! Very image heavy, but I can't stop taking photos of my little baby! He's so photogenic.


In amongst the lettuces! We had a very successful crop of lettuces in the wet season we just had. These are fourth or fifth generation lettuces, they keep self seeding; that's why there are so many all in one spot, all the precious lettuces dropped their seeds underneath them. They are teeny tiny, but perfect and tender for Basil! He looks so cute in there! Our other most successful crop is Basil's namesake!

Going for an afternoon stroll down the front path and having a good old nibble of every single thing that moves or doesn't!!

And having a run around in the grass which is substantially bigger than him! Aghh he's so cute. He really had a great time running around outside. We didn't get a chance today because unfortunately I am now quite behind on work and have quite a bit to catch up on, and also it rained fairly heavily and I didn't want either of us to get stuck outside in the rain. I did pick him some grass though, and hopefully tomorrow we can go for another romp outside. :D

And lastly some photos of his updated brooder! Now an open fronted cardboard box (just as home made as our incubator, haha!), it has the curved plastic wiring at the front and he is much happier, except at bed time when he likes to make a fuss and keep me awake, and he even climbed all the way up that wire. He was so proud of himself, but that is naughty naughty! I can also open the wire out, and he can choose to run around the house and follow me, or head back in his brooder for food and water.

I finally got my hands on some duckling starter mush today, which he will be enjoying with dinner. But his other treats pictured include green grass, grass seeds and fresh lettuces blended up, as well as his old smashed broccoli/green bean/peas/corn. Also oatmeal with digestive, a tiny sprinkle of yeast, and today, some scrambled egg! I hope to introduce maybe some finely chopped Brussel sprouts tomorrow if he wants them, and some cottage cheese, again, if he takes to it. I hope for the most part if he likes something, it is probably an indication that it is good for him (as he took to the basic greens very easily as he supposedly should do)!

That's all for now! Fingers crossed he'll sleep better now with the newly placed mirror in his brooder box that he is very happy to talk to, and so I will sleep better too!

Much love!!
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As a replacement for the paper towel you could try using puppy training pads and if he picks at those, you can use shelving material over top.


The puppy pads will stop the liquid from wetting the box.
Basil and you!

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