New Australian Hatching Mystery Egg at Home

Oh, I love the updates! He sounds so cute
Have you got a feather duster you can hang n his brooder? That he can crawl under. I used one for my first lone chick and it really helped! He thought it was Mom..

Grasshoppers, yum! I heard ducklings are incredibly messy and I've seen it with my guys. In the 3 days we had them, I had to clean their water bowl all the time! And the brooder was just permanently wet. I just tried to give them a dry spot under the light to hang out.

I really don't know what to say about that. I think you should ask down in the ducks section. If it's normal and what other materials you can put in there for him that won't look so appetising.

Sounds like he's growing up quick! I'd be nervous with the little one running around and getting under my feet though. When we had chicks lose in the house still my DH and I perfected the shuffle LOL Still had the odd stepped on toe though.

How clever! I wish I could train my chicks to do that.

Please post more pics. We all love the little guys and your pics are great!
He sounds so adorable but a huge responsibility which you seem to be equipped to handle

I would think that you've got all the food covered and his eating the paper towel is just him being naughty lol. The only thing that I hear about ducks is that they need niacin and doesn't that come from greens and meat (grasshoppers) I don't know for sure tho.
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Happy Easter Everybody!

Basil joined in the Easter fun today too!

Biggest cutie ever! Look at hime posing for the camera, in between sleeping, hehehe. Updates and responses tomorrow, it's Easter Sunday Evening here, and today has been a long but nice day. Some friends came to meet Basil for Easter, and he got lots of cuddles :D
Happy Easter to you too! Those pics are too cute
He's the most beautiful little thing.
Happy Easter Everybody!

Basil joined in the Easter fun today too!

Biggest cutie ever! Look at hime posing for the camera, in between sleeping, hehehe. Updates and responses tomorrow, it's Easter Sunday Evening here, and today has been a long but nice day. Some friends came to meet Basil for Easter, and he got lots of cuddles :D

Aww!! How Cute!! Glad he is in such loving hands. HAPPY EASTER Basil!!
I second the vote on the feather duster. Alternatively, if you have a plush toy you can put in, that may help, though it will be ruined. Again, hanging it so he van go underneath will be best. I use disposable puppy training pads for brooding, but you could also use old towels you can shake out and then wash.

I would definitely recommend getting him a pal from somewhere so you haven't the lonely only syndrome. He'll need it in order to have normal relations as he ages, too, or he'll be so imprinted on you that you won't be able to do anything! It's much better that way.

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