New Australian Hatching Mystery Egg at Home

x 2. Love the way s/he has their human well and truly trained. Who wouldn't prefer clean, warm water to swim in??? Good on you for taking such good care of Basil. These are precious times when creatures are so small and trusting in us. His Mum Duck chose well.
Oh wow! this whole thread is amazing you should be very proud of yourself and basil for doing this
your home made incubator looked great! well done indeed and Basil is a cutie!
Me and my chickens LOOOOVE vegemite. Each to their own......
i had a vegemite sandwich for my tea

mrs oz brought me tim tams from the philippines. her brother in law bought them in melbourne on a stop over - he is a 777 pilot.they make them in malaysia but not as good

you can take the Aussie out of Oz but not thr Oz out of an Aussie

now i just need a pie.

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