New baby chick bullied and injured by another baby chick


Apr 9, 2024
I woke up this morning to find one of my chicks, maybe five days old, has been pecked and bullied. Its head is now turned almost 180 degrees, it falls over when trying to stand, it’s just laying there chirping. When I pick it up it acts like it’s relieved and goes to sleep, but as soon as I put it down it starts chirping and tries to get up but falls over. I put it in a box by itself, but I don’t know what to do. I was going to call the vet later, but I’m scared they’ll tell me to put her down. I’d rather not do that, if possible. Is there anything I can do?
Yes... you can try to MAKE SURE it is eating well. Have you seen it eat?
What are you feeding it?
Who did the pecking? Was this a chick that you hatched, was it in with other older chickens, or with a broody hen? Can you give more details? The chick may not make it, but I would try to revive it with some Poultry NutriDrench or Poultry Cell tonic 3 drops orally, and get it drinking fluids around the clock. Offer some raw egg (whipped with a fork) and wet chicken feed. Vitamin E and thiamine in the poultry vitamins can help. If the chick survives, you may want to give more human vitamin E inna soft gel. Good luck.
Yes... you can try to MAKE SURE it is eating well. Have you seen it eat?
What are you feeding it?
I saw her eat and drink last night, but she’s not doing anything this morning. She’s eating Purina organic starter grower crumbles.
Who did the pecking? Was this a chick that you hatched, was it in with other older chickens, or with a broody hen? Can you give more details? The chick may not make it, but I would try to revive it with some Poultry NutriDrench or Poultry Cell tonic 3 drops orally, and get it drinking fluids around the clock. Offer some raw egg (whipped with a fork) and wet chicken feed. Vitamin E and thiamine in the poultry vitamins can help. If the chick survives, you may want to give more human vitamin E inna soft gel. Good luck.
Another chick, same age, is the bully. I got six of them on Saturday and one of them is being a bully to the other ones. I’m at work now and didn’t want to leave that one with the other ones, so it is in its own little area and the injured one is in its own little box.

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