New Blue Copper Moran added yesterday!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 6, 2014
First let me say how much this site has helped me get started, get information, and gain overall insights on caring for our chickens! Thank you!!! Chix in Rox......... we are in Roxborough, Colorado, and started a flock of 6 baby chicks in March. All RIR, and we love them. Unfortunately, we have 4 Roosters of those 6! We found homes for 2, and will the other 2, so decided we wanted to add a couple more, different varieties, and purchased a beautiful Blue Copper Moran (Chicken Swap - CoOp)! She is awesome, and really doesn't mind being held, or carried to free range. We are keeping her separate, though near the coop and run, where the others are, as well as we let her roam freely. She has had a very runny pooper though. Brown, but liquid. Could this be change in diet? It's been hot, and I do give our chickens an electrolyte/vitamin supplement in their water, so maybe this is the cause? Overall, we feed super healthy. I grow an Omega 3 forage blend, some organic scratch, their own grass, meal worms (a little here and there) and the crumbles. Any feedback on her very watery stool would be great. She looks very healthy otherwise, eating, drinking, foraging around!
Any additional advise on integrating her with our others is great too! Though we have read, and watched videos, sometimes other bits of advice are nice!
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Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Blue Copper Marans are gorgeous birds! It is always best to quarantine new birds for 3 or 4 weeks before you add them to your flock as if they are carrying something lethal to your flock, you don't want to endanger them. This quarantine also allows all the birds to get to know each other from behind a fence. Everybody sees, nobody touches. Keep this new bird with in the flock but separate for about one month. You can then mix her in then. Always watch them all closely for that day and the rest of that week, and always intervene if it turns bloody.

As for the poop...lots of things can cause loose stools....over heating, stress, worms, diet change, enteritis's, other intestinal issues, not eating enough, etc...It never hurts to worm new birds that came from unknown sources as you do not know the conditions in which they were kept. Watch out for cocci as well as many times new birds on new ground are susceptible to this organism.

So just keep an eye on her. You might get her wormed and give her time to adjust.

Good luck and welcome to our flock!
Welcome to BYC and congratulations on the addition of your Blue Copper Maran to your flock. They are beautiful birds. What other kinds of chickens do you have in your flock?
and Welcome To BYC! TwoCrows gave you some good suggestions, there is a nice article in the Learning Center on integrating birds

Welcome to BYC.
I have Rhode Island Reds, and am getting a golden laced Wyandott tomorrow to also add later. This will bring our little flock back to six, and that is where we will stay. Looks like both will be kept separate for a while, and I'll look into de-worming solutions. Thanks for the links for integrating!
In addition, my RIR are only about 3 1/2 months old, and the new Copper Maran is 3 months, while the Golden Laced Wyandott is 2 months. We'll wait until they are older, and bigger.
After reading the link, I'm worried, but feel confident we can integrate them well. Will it help at all that our existing chickens aren't that old?
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Good luck with your poultry raising adventures, and I hope you find everything you need to know. Don't forget to take a look at BYC's very useful learning center (If you haven't already)! The learning center as well as the forum should answer your questions! There is always something new to learn! Glad to have you here! See you around with the flock.
I have Rhode Island Reds, and am getting a golden laced Wyandott tomorrow to also add later. This will bring our little flock back to six, and that is where we will stay. Looks like both will be kept separate for a while, and I'll look into de-worming solutions. Thanks for the links for integrating!
In addition, my RIR are only about 3 1/2 months old, and the new Copper Maran is 3 months, while the Golden Laced Wyandott is 2 months. We'll wait until they are older, and bigger.
After reading the link, I'm worried, but feel confident we can integrate them well. Will it help at all that our existing chickens aren't that old?

Sounds like a good plan. Just be careful that the "chicken math" doesn't get you. :eek:)

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