new british chicks!


11 Years
Nov 19, 2008
hi there im from cambridge ,england new to this site looking forwards to getting chicken advice!We have 2 chickens in our garden Me and my 4 year old found them as chicks under a bench on the way to school during the summer!so we took them home and theyre now part of the family!they are very tame and my boys love picking them up and getting followed round the garden by them!

I am also in the Uk, I live in South Wales near Cardiff.

you live in a very beautiful part of the country.

Again welcome.

This is a great place for information on anything pertaining to chickens.
Welcome to BYC. I like to talk to the Brits on the Practical Poultry Forum in the UK. Hope you enjoy the US site well too.
Loving the site. I'm in Cardiff, just brought home my first 4 hens and I am loving it. They aren't quite PoL but i am enjoying getting to know them.

I went out last night and typical British summer time, it was pouring down. The poor girls looked like skinny drowned rats! :)

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