New but not really from Colorado


6 Years
Apr 4, 2013
Denver, CO
Hi Chicken Lovers :)
I'm not really new to chickens at all but decided that this may be a good forum for the direction we are headed and some things we would like to do. We is my 14 year old daughter and my husband of almost 22 years. We have been involved with poultry via 4H for almost 5 years now. It started out as a backyard hen project of 4-5 hens and through the years we have been as high as 50 chickens and turkeys. We did the 4H market turkey project a couple of years but I'm not a huge fan of turkeys. Our current flock is around 20 chickens.

We started with just a mixed flock of standard dual purpose birds but as we have moved through the years we are hoping to get a little more specialized. I am very interested in heritage breeds and potentially keeping just 2-4 breeds. Not sure yet which ones I would choose for the standard large fowl but definitely interested in a couple of the smaller bantam chickens like Silkie's, D'Anvers and D'Uccles (I adore D'Uccles right now). We have an absolutely beautiful heritage barred rock rooster right now who did win a first place at the fair but we don't have a good place to keep him and as we move forward I'm considering things like how to have a rooster and also have hens that are in condition to be shown without having them live constantly in a cage. At any rate, we are going to sell the rooster if we can and hope that we will be in a position to get another in the future when we have a better place.

Lots of interests outside of chickens. I work in Disability Services in higher education and am interested in Universal Design for Learning and accessibility in general. Also interested in things like gardening, beekeeping, organic everything, etc.

Look forward to learning more from the group.
Hi Lisken, welcome to BYC!

That was a really nice introduction. It sounds like you have a lot of experience, that could be helpful answering some of the many questions that come up here (see, you just joined and I'm already trying to put you to work).

In addition to all the poultry forums, here is a forum you may like:

Thanks for joining us, it's nice to have you here!
Welcome to BYC, Lisken. Glad you decided to join our flock. Raising chickens is a wonderful experience for children. Our children and granddaughter (pictured in my avatar) loved our chickens and made lap pets of the calmer and more gentle breeds. If you haven't done so already, definitely our Learning Center at There is loads of useful information there. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck in re-homing your rooster.

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