Announcement New BYC Forum Section / Category / Node Icons

Thanks for all the great helpful comments and feedback!

Regarding the turkey (or any other icons): We definitely are open to improving these, but we need VERY specific suggestions to give the designer on what exactly to change within the design itself.
Guineas are football shaped and do not have an upturned tail. Other than Vulturine guineas their heads are white and I have never seen a guinea with a red casque.

Once I finally saw the turkey in color, it isn't that terrible but could definitely benefit from a dangling snood and a tail fan.
Guineas are football shaped and do not have an upturned tail. Other than Vulturine guineas their heads are white and I have never seen a guinea with a red casque.

Once I finally saw the turkey in color, it isn't that terrible but could definitely benefit from a dangling snood and a tail fan.

How about adding some big white teeth/fangs?
its funny i was trying to do that :lau
but i have to work too :confused:
are you really letting that work thing get in the way of yer enjoyment of byc? :confused:
Nah, she's just faking it. We all know BYC takes priority!

(Hi Deb :frow)

ummm, :oops: no :oops:


still needs more evil-ness added

like maybe if i shape the eyes a little more crescent like and less half-circle like

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