New Call Duck Colors... what do you think?

Oh jeez...I gotta go, someone needs a diaper change.
I do not show for MANY reasons. Didi it for a while with dogs and horses. I think she is cute and probably has an awsome personality. Let me show you my ONE little girl. I LOVE her. AND I am getting a PAIR of Chocolate Calls this week! When I get them I will post pictures
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I'm thinking i need some little call ducks now...
But i worry about them getting hurt by by geese.. or bigger roosters

Anyone know how they do with bigger animals like geese? Probably not good... *sigh*
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Thanks, guys, it was just a little joke. She's so non-typey she wouldn't even be considered a Call duck-she's a Call cross.
She really is a beautiful girl with a fantastic personality-wouldn't sell her even if I could.

She camps in one of the duck pools all of the time and won't let anyone else swim with her.
I guess I should show her in the SUPER GIANT OVERSIZED Call group

You're awesome!
Luvducks, your ducks are so pretty.
Let me show you the first Call I hatched from shipped eggs. He is a CLOWN. He is the reason I want MORE! Here is Noodle. What do you call this Washed out Color?

Pretty! Is that a bantam rooster with him..or LF? I'm just trying to get a estimate of their actual size...
Yes, a Bantam Rooster. Poor Noodle(Call Duck) is oversized though. You will LOVE the smallness of the Call. I DO have to keep my Swedish and Khaki Campbell seperate because the are both Drakes and want to beat up the Little Calls. Not saying Calls are not tough because they chase my big dogs around. Funny to watch!

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