New Call duck pen (almost finished), and new Calls! PIC HEAVY!

They're so beautiful!! Duckluck raises some amazing little ducks!

Looks like we're family now Annarie.
Anyways, I just snapped a few more pictures. Bear with me here, I'm just smitten with them.
When I go out in the yard and say, "Hi pretty ducks!", the little white female says, "QUACK QUACK...QUACK-QUACK" back at me!


I really love your ducks, they look so sweet.
And of course they answer you, they are brilliant too!
Are they really that small?
Next to the 2x4 the birds look very dainty.
They are beautiful.

Yes, they're really that small! Much smaller than my adult Call drake that I "rescued" from a swap earlier this year. I'll have to get a picture of me holding one of them sometime soon - they're hard to catch though...maybe I'll just put a pop can in there for size reference instead! Little Mia, the White female, is the smallest. She's adorable. I sat and watched them for as long as I could endure the mosquitoes today, while all the other ducks quacked at me from their pens because they were feeling neglected!

And thanks to everyone who commented that they're beautiful; I can't take credit for that, duckluck is the one who bred them, hatched them, and raised them!
Yes, they're really that small! Much smaller than my adult Call drake that I "rescued" from a swap earlier this year. I'll have to get a picture of me holding one of them sometime soon - they're hard to catch though...maybe I'll just put a pop can in there for size reference instead! Little Mia, the White female, is the smallest. She's adorable. I sat and watched them for as long as I could endure the mosquitoes today, while all the other ducks quacked at me from their pens because they were feeling neglected!

And thanks to everyone who commented that they're beautiful; I can't take credit for that, duckluck is the one who bred them, hatched them, and raised them!

We need a blushing emoticon here!

LOVE the one of the white with her head partially tucked...looks like she's trying to do a vampire impersonation, heeheehee!
I'll have to get a picture of me holding one of them sometime soon - they're hard to catch though...maybe I'll just put a pop can in there for size reference instead!

That would be great with the pop can.
delightfully dainty ducks!

LOVE the one of the white with her head partially tucked...looks like she's trying to do a vampire impersonation, heeheehee

duckluck, i think she could pull me in with those eyes!
Oh for Pete's Sake...
I have a dozen call eggs in my Brower Bator right now. I know many didn't make it due to being shipped from New York AND me being inept so far with the incubator, and whatever... But seeing these pictures makes me hope, oh please, that I get at least 2. Oh pleeze Oh pleeze

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