New Call duck pen (almost finished), and new Calls! PIC HEAVY!


That would be great with the pop can.
delightfully dainty ducks!

LOVE the one of the white with her head partially tucked...looks like she's trying to do a vampire impersonation, heeheehee

duckluck, i think she could pull me in with those eyes!
hide.gif have to wonder if she could speak, if she'd do it with the accent, looking at that picture! Count...Duckula!
That's it! I'm going to have to convince my husband to sell the house and move to a place with a bigger yard. I'm in love with your calls! So beautiful.
Nice birds.................are your dogs able to protect them at night? A fox, coyote, and coons could go under and thru that wire...............I lost adult geese in a fenced yard to a pair of raccoons working together. I had possums climb a fence and go up a ramp into my chickens at night and eat their heads.............. I have seen a coyote burrow under fences..........Raccoons can rip right thru chicken wire......... you might want to add another layer of protection have to wonder if she could speak, if she'd do it with the accent, looking at that picture! Count...Duckula!

and then that made me think of The Count on Sesame Street.
"one baby call duck,
two baby call ducks,
three baby call ducks,
wait! wait, they are all moving! I can't count like this!"

Well, I don't think I'll be staining it or finishing up the roof anytime soon! Woke up this morning and the tarp had blown off and it was POURING outside.
The ducks are having a blast outside in the mud today, but I'm contemplating whether I can clamp a warped hunk of plywood back in place as it dries, or whether I'd be better off just replacing it.

On another note, I have those 3 younger Calls and 2 Indian Runners in a brooder in the garage right now...yesterday I thought I'd try introducing them all together just to get the younger ones out of the garage while I work on some more pens...

Well, I think the Calls from duckluck and my younger three from AlpineRanch would get along just great, but I watched yesterday as those crazy little vampires from duckluck attacked the Runners (who are at least 4 times their size) and, working as a group, pinned them down on the ground, and started pulling on their wing and tail feathers...the poor Runners just laid there crying and trying to get up while these tiny little Calls swarmed over them like locusts - it was pretty hilarious (no one was hurt, I broke it up after about 5 minutes of waiting to see if they'd work it out and be friends).

So, I guess the Runners are staying in the garage until I get a new grow-out pen built for them!
those crazy little vampires from duckluck

run for the hills the little vampires are taking over!

i, for one, will be a willing slave to our vampire call duck overlords!
you hear that you little vampires!
Oh they are so beautiful-I want more lol. My call babies keep fighting too-the smallest one keeps bites the babies that are 2 months younger but almost the same size and his brothers hold them down-its so sad, I worry too much that they will hurt them since they made one bleed a little and are yanking feather-I cant stand to watch it. The little ones want to hang out with the older ones so bad-but the older ones want no part of it and Im pretty sure the younger ones are both girls and I know the 4 month olds are all boys so at least some of them are going to have to get along to be paired off. Love the pen-gives me great ideas!
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So those Butterscotches must be Pigeon's siblings? They are gorgeous! Pigeon is a boy, lol. I knew if I called him a she long enough I would get a nice raspy quack.
He is beautiful. Duckluck, wish I could drive to your place next spring...
I love the pen, it is going to look very nice all stained and shingled.

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