new chick owner. 1 barred rock not eating well/acting funny

She didn't make it through the night. I had a few last moments with her, and that was it. She was weary and had no more energy. She had been lying in the same spot from bedtime until I checked on her, and then had a Few little sips of sugar water, and then some last movement and then she stopped all movement. It's so sad.

The kids will see her in the morning, and will hopefully understand why they can't hold the chicks now. We have to keep them covered as one flew to the top of the water and then the top of the cardboard divider this evening.
I am so so sorry for the loss of this baby. It is never easy to lose these precious birds. I hope your heavy heart can heal soon.
I thin I may lose a precious chic.her or his eyes r mattered ive been putin drops and wiping with warm cloth but she or he just stands there.awww....I hope it doesnt die.
I am letting my 7 year old girl hold them now when her little brothers aren't around. I feel so bad cause I think it's good for the kids and chicks to interact. The kids just get over zealous with the chicks, so excited. Will the growing bigger chicks be able to tolerate being held at any point. When are they more hardy?? The big ones we have look it now, they can fly.....
So sorry the little chick didn't make it. :hugs The very young ones are so fragile, they do get sturdier as they get older.

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