New chick owner -- Colorado


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 4, 2012
I'm excited to have brought home 5 Black Australorp pullets this morning. We are building a small coop in the backyard with hopes the chickens will be nice egg layers come later this year. We are doing it for personal family use only, and only for eggs as we are very pet-oriented and I don't think any of us could handle processing the birds for meat. I'm looking forward to meeting some of you and inheriting some wisdom as my family is new to this and I'm sure we will have questions.
Welcome to BYC, we're here to answer questions anytime!
Hello and :welcome
Don't be shy about asking questions, I'm sure you're going to learn a lot. :D
Enjoy the forum and good luck with your chicks - we keep ours for eggs and pets too, and they are darlings. :p
My family is new to this too! I have a 10 month old and we decided we might as well throw ourselves into the process! We have 6 chicks.

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