New Chick

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That EE is "Puffy", she was named by a little girl that comes to visit and she too loves the colored eggs. Her Dad can get her to eat eggs by using the colored eggs. I have RIR, Brown Leghorns, Buff Orphingtons, Barred Rock, and EE. My Buffs are big, fluffy, and Beautiful. I love the variety of colors of the EE's they are all so different. I have alot of fun with the gals some people say they're spoiled!!
Question....has anybody had the top part of a chicks beak break off and bleed? I noticed this today and I've put the "no peck" stuff on it hoping the others would leave her alone. Any advice!!!
You might want to post in the Emergencies forum, with pictures if you can. How much of the top beak is missing? If just a little it will probably regrow. If she has lost a lot, a lot of commercial birds are de-beaked a third to a half on purpose, so chickens can live with a partial beak, they may just need a little special care, deep food dishes mainly and trimming the bottom beak occasionally.
I'll read some more on the site, thanks golden feathers. It's as if the top layer of skin on a human nose has fell off.? If that's imaginable? The beak is still intact, just the top layer is gone, bleeding stopped and she IS able to eat so that's good!
I'll read some more on the site, thanks golden feathers. It's as if the top layer of skin on a human nose has fell off.? If that's imaginable? The beak is still intact, just the top layer is gone, bleeding stopped and she IS able to eat so that's good!
I have had the top of the beak break off pretty good on a chick once. Her bottom mandible was way longer than the top mandible. And it bled. What I did was separate her for one day and apply blu-kote with a q-tip to the beak. I let her stay by herself until the area hardened off a bit and applied more blu-kote later that day.

Then I let her out with the others. The blu-kote helps to hide the skin and prevent infection. I kept a good coat of blu-kote on the beak every day if it wore off. It took about 2 or 3 months to completely out, but it did.

So get the bleeding stopped. You can use cornstarch on it, then apply blu-kote. You might want to dampen her feed so she is not pecking hard at her feed to eat.

Keep us posted! :)
Thanks for the advice! She is keeping herself away from the others but I'll keep an eye on her. I read neosporin could be used also.

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